Sunday, October 28, 2007


Why Echo? Because I do not have a damn thing to say and Im running out of ideas. It happens when its slow in the world of cuckolding when there is no one with whom she can cuckold.

I was reading Mrs Kelly's blog and she mentioned how difficult it is to hook up. With her, the problem lies in the fact that they are in Japan, transportation and things like that.

We were doing our Trendy Thrusday thing. Mr Actor fizziled out. Mr Stock Broker like booze better than babes, and Mr Football player was just too damn big.

A guy who answered and add kept saying he wanted to meet us. But everytime I told him we were going to be at such and such he was a no show. I think some people are in love with the fantasy. His new thing.. He emails me and tells me he is looking for some places to hang out Thursday nights and do we know of any?

Right I mean you have to be kidding. He sounds like a guy Emma talked about once. Always an excuse.

Now you see why I called this Echo........sorry to be so boring fans but I cant think of anything to say, and Im running out of clever fillers......perhaps our new add will provide fodder for the blog. I hope so...


Joy, Shared said...

That's not boring, man.

I mean, even your lack of activity is more activity that some of us get. After all, at least your wife is looking for someone. Mine hasn't gotten anywhere close to following through on that sort of an idea, yet.

Anonymous said...

Please do not fall into the trap of doing stuff just to please your readers. The lifestyle you have chosen to live has its roots in your childhood as you have described and, therefore, it is yours to live as you please.

I am happy to read anything you are willing to share with us. It could be the hottest cuckold adventure or the most simple task around your household. To me, it gives me an insight of your daily routine. It shows that your not engaged on sexual activities 24/7 as other people might think.

So, just relax and enjoy the ride.


bdenied said...

San as long as people like you keep reading then Ill keep writing. I just wish I had something hot to share. but its not 24/7 365.....its just life.....

Anonymous said...

Quality, not quantity.. Don't worry about writing everyday. It is what you write that is enjoyable. Not how much.
If you chose to post once a week - I would still keep reading!

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...