Sunday, September 22, 2024

Back To Back


We go to Philadelphia on the 4th which is actually only 12 days out.  

Two nights ago while in bed sleeping, I was snuggled back to back with my wife Our backs and butts were touching, and it felt warm and good. I awakened with a hard on.  I was squeezing my balls to stimulate them and began to ever so lightly stroke the inside of my dick. 

I had recently bought some  underwear on line; but frankly they look pretty much like panties except they are "mens" They are sized in American sizing.   They have men's sizing but they also have what is associated with womens sizing too. My guess is there is little to no difference in this style  between men and women and I think they could even be called unisex. 

 Women often wear " boy shorts" and some men like me prefer the  bikini style.  So any way as I am lightly stroking through  the fabric trying not to wake her,.  Boy shorts were at one time boxers I guess, and it seems underwear is becomming more unisex.  I know a lot of younger women do not  like men in the bikini style but I have no idea why is ok for girls to wear what was associated with boy/men clothes but not ok for men.

I do this for a few minutes and stop and try to fall back asleep. I do that:  but I am having some erotic dream I cant remember, and I wake back up.  My cock is hard and I begin again and stop.  I just lay there and the hard on disappears. But I begin teasing it again and it wakes up and I lightly stroke the underside thru the underwear until I feel the first orgasmic wave. I stop, and I shudder as the contractions overwhelm me.  Nothing cums out but the orgasm is just as real and  my body is convulsing a bit. I think I am going to wake her but she is fast asleep. We are still butt to butt and back to back.  The waves subside and I do it again and again I get the first waves of orgasm and stop.  Same thing, contractions and another set of non ejaculatory orgasm.  I let it fade, my cock goes semi soft and again I begin to stroke it, I am doing this true the fabric which deadens the sensation just enough to keep me from immediately exploding.  I am trying very hard not to wake her.

Finally after about 5 minutes of this I say to myself fuck it, do it till the cum leaks out.  I keep up the same slow light touch and again I orgasm and this time I can feel the sperm begin to build up and I stop and it oozes out and  my underwear is wet and sticky.  I just gave myself the perfect "ruined orgam."  My underwear is a mess but I love that feeling and  I drift off into the best sleep I Have had in a year.  

It looked something like this:  but not quite as much cum>  
She never woke up, and I felt like a naughty school boy.  (I am sure most husbands have rubbed one out while the wife sleeps and I know wives have done the same.) 

Today its our day where we have a bit of a ritual and I  go down on her etc and have a good Sunday romp.  We do and I get her off.  While going down on her I get a hard on but I really dont want to fuck her because I want the attention on her today: So I juust want to snuggle up.  After a while I climb into bed with her: \We snuggle up and she begins lightly stroking me through the fabric.  

I am literally throbbing and I think If she lets me cum I will not tell her about two nights ago but if she does not get me off I will tell her. I have no idea what she will do.

I am very close to cumming and I can feel the pre-cum start to get my pants wet. Something like this:

 She can sense it and clamps down on my cock and balls to prevent the imminent ejaculation. She whispers in my ear, your not cumming until after our trip.  Wow another twelve days of no cumming, and she just told me so there is no guessing if I am going to cum.  

So as we lay there her hand on my throbbing cock I confess.  She loved hearing it and thought it was hot. I told her that I had been feeling a bit guilty and was glad she decided I cant cum.....I think!!!!!


vanessachaland said...

It's interesting to me, how and why people fetishize certain things. I mostly go "commando" and where most women are very much into lingerie and fashion, I'm mostly tomboy, boring, and don't care about it. Anyway, interesting post. :)

bdenied said...

Thanks you so much for your comment. I enjoyed your take on things. I might disagree a bit that "Tomboy" is boring because I think it can be very eroticley sexy. Commando wearing jeans is very hot as well as other clothing, especially dresses and leggings.

lovetosubmit said...

One technique that really works to slow the man’s orgasm is for his partner to hold the testicles and push down. There’s something physiological about that that delays his orgasm. My now ex wife titled me that when I was about to ejaculate, my balls crept way up. She actually leveraged this info when we explored ruined orgasms. When she wanted to ruin mine, she was 100% effective.

Also one time she gave me a handhob through my sleep shorts. I pushed them down, and she said “no” I want you to cum in your pants. My orgasm wasn’t very pleasurable since I had no skin to skin contact and when I did cum, I was deeply humiliated. She wouldn’t let me clean up, she forced me to sleep in my mess. Pretty humiliating, pretty hot!

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