Friday, November 9, 2007

Cold Feet or????

We had placed an add and as usual got about 50 responses in about 5 hours. So many I have to shut the add down as we cant keep up with them. Most are easy, read the first two words and delte. Guys just dont pay attention to whats written.

One guy responds, "Hey! wanna hang wit you2, name time place." Sure how about in hell....tonight.....if we are late start without us.

Well we whittle it down to one guy. Couplel of emails back and forth, very intellegent correspondence, well spoken etc. Says he has a roomate....I sense a wife or girl friend but dont press. Give him her cell number and he calls.

She likes his voice and I assure her that from his photo which she has not seen yet, she will be ok with him. He looks like her type. She is excited and very eager to meet him.

One hour before we are to meet (to his credit anyway) he calls and says, "Oh, man I greatly apologize, My Mom is on her way to the hospital and I have to go see what's wrong."

I say I hope she is doing well and he says, "Yeah, do you have plans for Friday or Saturday?" He had already told me in an email he was off Thursday and was having a birthday with family on Friday and with Friends Saturday.

I think he got cold feet and I think it was because his "roomate" might not approve. For more on this subject bop over to MrsKelly's Playhouse as she wrote a great piece on this kind of nonsense.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate event. The world is full of that kind of people. They are good at talking but lack the testicular fortitude to demonstrate they are real with their intentions.

The only good thing you must admit, is the fact that for a brief moment it gave you hope...I guess this is my awkward way to tell you, don't give up.


Blissfully Wed said...

That's interesting. At least the guy seems nice.

If my wife and I ever take the next step to making certain fantasies realities, an important deciding factor will be whether or not the third party is nice and polite.

I love reading your words. Best of luck.

Joy, Shared said...

Well, on the positive side, at least he was considerate enough to call ahead of time and let you know that he wasn't going to be there. He wasn't one of those guys that just doesn't show up.

Which, in my mind, means that there probably is real interest there on his part and maybe something really did happen that he didn't see coming that kept him from being able to keep the date.

Of course, you've got more experience reading these types of situations that I would, but that would be my feel from it.

bdenied said...

Sankukai welcome back, always enjoy your comments and your continued support for the blog. Yes, it did give me hope and actually it was quite erotic to think about,.It also gave me a post for the day....he has since emailed and told me he is sincere...we will see....she was really disappointed and that is actually a positive thing as she
wants some different........keep
checking back who knows....Joy and Bliss you got my commments I appreciate you taking the time to leave me a note. thanks...

The Hitch said...

You know
sometimes mr bdenied
fantasy is best left just as that
a fantasy.
marriage isnt about lust, sure the physical side can get get boring,
You are playing a dangerous game.
hope you come out of it OK

Anonymous said...

I dunno... Sounds a bit - Shady.

bdenied said...

Well Mr Hitch thanks for your comments. First our physical side is not and has never been boring. Secondly, if you have read this blog and its 160 some posts you will note we have gone well beyond fantasy, and we are still very comitted and very happy together. We recognize the inherent dangers and were willing to accept them. Even thought we don't agree that fantasy is best left at that we do think some fantasy is best left at that but for the most part we believe fantasy should be attempted if everyone wants that. We appreciate your comments and hope you continue coming by as something here must have spiked your interest.......

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...