Thursday, November 29, 2007

Last Nov HNT

Well it's Thursday again and that means another HNT.....I suppose HNT does not mean half clothed. But if it does you will have to use your imagination to find out what part is clothed.

If you have followed the blog you know that Monday night she had a date and I did not get into what this delightful photo shows he got into.

Last night she masturbated me for a good while but stopped short of the Happy Ending. She did the same this morning just prior to leaving for work.


Blissfully Wed said...

She's more awesome with each description. And what a beautiful pic. It stirs me quite nicely.

Bunny said...

Beautiful view! She's wearing a watch, so she's wearing something right? ;-)


Anonymous said...

Half nekkid or not... we take them all... ;-) Great pose!!!

Anonymous said...

I see what that naughty, naked babe is wearing!


Gotta love it!

- Andy Nonymous

Naughty K said...

I bet she's wearing a big smile...
Happy HNT!

Joy, Shared said...

A smile, a wedding ring, and a watch ... ? I'm sure that there is some place somewhere that all of those would qualify as clothing.

relevent married guy said...

Please post more pics of your HW's hot very fuckable pussy!

Thanks bub!


bdenied said...

Wow, guys thanks for all your comments, I guess that this picture was a hit.

Lavender Fields said...

A beautiful woman
And she knows how to keep you under control

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...