Thursday, November 22, 2007


This psudeo mag cover is pretty appropriate for this Holiday especially in light of what happened this past weekend. It was an amazing weekend.
She asked me to do our shaving ritual on Monday. It was obvious she was still a bit amorous even considering the weekend she had, but things came up and we just did not get too it.
I was away on business Tuesday and did not get home 'till really late and was dog tired. Traveling by air this time of year is just no fun and could wear out the patience of a Saint.
But.......last night now that was different. I finally went where the her Friends with Benefits had been and it has been a while since I was there. I forgot just how nice it was too.
Almost like a re-connect. The closeness is incredible. This life may not be for everyone but for us it works.
Enjoy the Holiday.


Blissfully Wed said...

Nice post.

And Happy Thanksgiving to you both.

Anonymous said...

I just dropped by to wish both a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Here in Canada, we celebrate a couple of weeks in advance. Right now we are working on loosing the weight gained eating

Once again, enjoy.


bdenied said...

You too San, I have been in Canada during TG up there and its very nicely done.....besides I think Canadians are as a rule very nice people, and to quash a rumor...No we really don't want to make Canada the 51st State we like you the way you are.....

Anonymous said...

I always like following your blog!

We find the exact same experience when we finally get around to "reconnecting". We both are always surprised how pleasing and necessary it is for both of us to reconnect this way.
sandi's boy

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