Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Incredible Closeness

This is a very short post today. I was over at Rach and Ands site and they finally took the plung and had an encounter with another guy. Bravo for them.

Both wrote in separate posts how they feel so close to each other and how that closeness has grown since their encounter.

I can attest to closeness. I have always been very close to my wife,. I can not walk past her without touching her. No, not that come on feely grab,its just the closeness touch. The I love you very much touch.

Well after her encounter this weekend that special close feeling just got better and better. Few who have embarked on the path that we have traveled will understand and our path is not for everyone. But for those who contemplate it, be cautious, but do not fear the journey. It is a truly wonderful experience and if you have been thinking about it, I mean both of you have been thinking about it then you are probably going to experience that joy. Good luck if you do...

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