Saturday, November 24, 2007


Last evening we went to the liquor store. Neither of us are big drinkers but this being the Holidays we wanted to have something around in case someone stops by. She will have a drink every now and then before bedtime just to relax the days stress.
A really good looking woman walked in ahead of us. She had a flirty summery type dress. We live in the sub tropics so you can do that in late November.

I noticed a gold anklet with diamonds on her right ankle. My wife looked down, then at me and we both smiled. Now who knows for sure why she had it on her right ankle. I mean there is no state statue that yes, "Hot wives must wear anklets on their right ankles to so identify themselves for others."

But it does get one to think. My own wife wears hers, and a friend we know who has a hot wife wears hers too.
I always want to say, "I love your anklet, its really hot." But I never do....Perhaps I should sometime


Blissfully Wed said...

Perhaps you should. ;)

There really should be some kind of code like that to make it easier for like-minded people to recognize each other in public.

relevent married guy said...

Those damn anklets! I really think most people just wear them. But you just never know. ;) My HW doesn't, won't and has said "don't even think of giving me one!" But I think when somebody meets her they get the vibe.
Love you blog!

bdenied said...

There should be but sometimes vanilla people get in the way of our best codes and then we never know for sure...I agree with Seacost most who wear them just wear them as matter what we come up with someone will do it because......

Polyamorous Couple said...

Hello again CH,

Anklets are, by far, the most sensuous accountrements a woman can wear. When I see one on a well turned ankle it gets me fired up everytime.

I love to see Eve wearing any one of the three she has. So does our neighbor. He knows...loves it too. He stares at it incessently.

Try this some time.

Have your wife wear one with two charms attached side by side. You can always find charms at the jewelry store and add them to the anklet(s) she already has. Make sure the charms are at least the size of dime, and flat like a coin. The charm has to be generally that shape to maximize its potential to ring, or at least "clink". Plus if she is confident about the advertisement, the look will DEFINTELY catch the wandering eye.

Listen to the ringing as she is being done (by you or her SO). You might find it quite erotic when the jingle is in time to the rythm.

Eve has a beautiful yellow and white gold anklet that I designed and had custom made with two heart shaped medalions linked on the chain so that they slightly overlap each other when the anklet is drapped on her ankle. When she gets to rockin' the hearts get to knockin', and I get that much harder.

Try it.

- Alex

Joy, Shared said...

I'd actually talked to my wife about getting an anklet, but she's nowhere near ready for it to mean what it is 'supposed to' mean.

She had, however, expressed interest in the idea of getting one with little charms representing her, me, and our son -- which, if I didn't know her or what the meaning of the charms was, would 'signal' MFM, even though that's not what she means by it.

So, unfortunately, I've decided that you really can't determine anything based on just the anklets anymore because even the women who are aware of the 'lifestyle' might be wearing them without intending anything ...

Cyril said...

I never knew anklets could say so much.

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  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...