Sunday, November 11, 2007

What a Saturday

Well after the flash post and after lamenting that nothing in the cuckold department has happened for a while, Saturday just was an explosion of happenings. I use this drawing to illustrate the basic concept. First, she did go off to lunch to meet him and it went well. They met at a public restaraunt and he being a public safety worker was in uniform so we thought all in all it was a safe place for her and safe even though we did not know him. He was across the street from where he worked and being in public as such really eliminated any chances of her safety being compromised. They agreed to meet on Monday after he finished work and she was really and I do mean really looking forward to it a lot. She was giddy and happy like a kid in a candy store. Her attitude was really arousing for me as it was obvious she was going to have a good time and could not wait to get him in the sack...Being about 16 years younger than she was also very exciting for her. She found out later on he had an erection while he talked to her...That my friends is a power trip for a girl to produce an erection on a guy 16 years her junior just by him looking at her....Its also very hot for me too.

Fast forward to about 5pm last evening. Her phone rings. He says what a great time he had and he is getting off work early because his boss let him take some time because its his Birthday. She asks signls me as she is talking to him and I nod I'm ok with it. She tells him, "No, he won't be here, I'm sending him shopping for a while."

We straigten up the house real quick, change the sheets and she puts on a little pink negligee for him. He gets here faster than we expect, so I go out the back door so as not to cause him alarm since she told him I would not be there.

She called me a couple of hours later and said I can come home he has left as he had plans for the evening with friends and family regarding his birthday.

When I came home, (sporting an erection I might add) she was simply glowing. Told me some of the details. He definitely liked the lingerie, and that seemd to come off soon after he entered the house, sporting his own erection according to her. After making out on the couch he picked her up, carried her to the bedroom and they got wild. The sheets were a mess, it looked wild based on that.

He went down on her and made sure she was satisfied and then according to her they 69'd fucked sucked and generally destroyed the bed sheets.

She was very and I mean very happy about the day. Oh yeah and to top it off I almost forgot in all the excitment, after her luch she and I had to go take care of some errands and while driving to do that, her cell rang and it was her number one ex boyfriend, the guy who moved...He had to get off on the phone with her and she fibbed a little and said she was driving to the store alone.

I sat there while she and he had some rather good phone sex. I was trying to concentrate on driving but I did her her say, "Does that huge hard hot cock of yours miss my tight pussy because I really want that big cock of yours.....Then I heard her say, "Yeah spray it all over just like you did to me at the hotel....." He apparently toldl her he may be in town on the 19th and can they get I said 'WHAT A SATURDAY."


Blissfully Wed said...

Beautifully shared.

Blissfully Wed said...

In fact, I was moved to peruse her past HNTs and now I'm a bit erect as well.

You guys are awesome. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am glad things went well for you!

Emma Kelly said...

Congrats, Bro. I'm not sure that I should be saying so after the enmity you cast my way regarding my recent "Generic Pussy" gaff but yet I found myself mightily aroused by your wife's good fortune and pleasure.

For the record, Em and Mr. Big are hoping for one last fling before we leave Japan. Em is getting more demanding and even a little cruel as that day approaches.

Keep it under your hat.

Mrs. kelly's Playhouse

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that the wait was worth it.

You have such a way with words that while reading the descriptions of the accounts, I can see them happening in my head. That my friend, is a gift only a selected few can brag about.


Anonymous said...

Gee, I got a hard on from that story. By the way I found you from Shibari and I'm glad I came ... here ...

bdenied said...

Bliss thank you for the nice comments, and I hope that stiff problem you mentioned got taken care of.
Sanukai, your comments are far too kind but most appreciated. Thank you. Welcome Marques, glad you could join. Thanks for letting me know how you linked as its always nice to understand where the readers came from.
Scott what can I say......that hasnt already been said...

Lavender Fields said...

Thats so hot to read

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...