Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Short post. Im in buying some diet cokes in a European city that will remain nameless and the clerk a rather busty young lady has on a T-shirt and on the T-shirt it says, 'YOURE BOYFRIEND IS CUTE." The shirt has what looks likes eyes that are obviously flirtatious. So I am thinking, wow is she a cuckoldress in the making, one for real or did she just think the shirt was cute. Probably all or some of the above. I love shirts like that as the more the message gets sread the more its likely to be accepted.


Anonymous said...

Sounds cool. Do you always travel?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and RYN......Nahhhhh the kid has already bored me..lol. Just no point in it.

bdenied said...

Yes, I do and I understand.....

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