Tuesday, September 4, 2007

On line flirting

If you have been reading my blog you know we took out some spots on Craigs List. We did get some replys, a lot actually and most of them pure "file 13 material." There was a promising 22 yr old we responded to but he did not back to us.
She does not particulary like facial hair and she does not care for the goatee look everyone seems to sport these days. These are personal tastes and no one should take offense, but when an add says clean shaved face I get annoyed when guys with goatees, beards and everything else send their responses and say,"I keep it trimmed." duh what part of clean shaved dont they get and if they dont get that what else dont they get?

Well in all the replys we have gotten it has been whittled down to one guy and we have been corresponding with him. We shall see how it goes. We may try to do another trendy sports bar this week but after watching Dateline last night that kinda takes the joy out of things. If you did not see it you missed the segment on how "cool" guys think it is to drug a woman's drink. Ok well since there is nothing erotic in this post I shall end it..sorry but life is not erotic every day.....

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