Thursday, January 3, 2008

HNT While driving or Little Dicks

I was driving down the highway in our new State yesterday more or less house hunting when I thought it best to chat with her regarding some homes. I was really feeling horny. The past weekend was hot as you may have guessed and I was suffering from Post TerrificSexual Dynamics or PTSD as one might acronym if working for the government.
In any event we were consoling each other about our separation and I said, "Damn I'm horny, I think I ought to jerk off." I was really only being a wise ass, and did not mean it.
She said, "You can...We will do it over the phone.. You can take your little dick out of your pants and jerk it off.....! No wait she said, rub it through your pants......! Don't touch it....
Two points here. 1. Did any of you catch "little dick" it did not go unnoticed by me, although I did not say anything. I was wondering if she was talking like girls sometimes know that cute squeaky little girl voice like they would use on a baby.. 2. She said don't touch it.....
While she and I do not have a dom/sub relationship as some of you may think, she can and will on occasion call the shots...
So driving I had this picture of her in mind which I took when we were doing our photo shoot.....and it being HNT day I thought...what the hell and posted this.
How many of you noticed the cute little lace panties......


Blissfully Wed said...

Her cute little lace panties are etched into my mind now. In fact if you don't mind me saying, they inspire a bit of touching here as well.

Thanks for sharing.


helpmate hubby said...

NIce, thats hot that she said little btw.

Lavender Fields said...

those panties look really cute on her

helpmate hubby said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the lovely comment about my Wife in my blog. Yours is "on fire" as well! lol

bdenied said...

thanks Bliss you know my thoughts.
HH. appreciate the comment.
Thanks Anna they are cute too, fit her well...I mean by that her personality..

Emma Kelly said...

Hi bdenied,

As a former pro photographer and current submissive cuckold, I have to say that this photo is a great erotic shot.

It made me want to crawl right through the computer screen!

Good luck with the move. Em and I both, naturally, empathize.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

Blissfully Wed said...

Back for another peek. She's so beautiful.

Penedictor said...

What does HNT? I have seen this in many British blog, but not that mean. amateur photos?

Penedictor said...

Thank you, i dont know,...

Sorry now in spanish...

Me parece muy curioso eso de subir todo el mundo las fotos el mismo día, tomaré nota y subiré una foto todos los jueves.

Thank you.

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...