Friday, July 20, 2007

cuckolding/chastity play

In cruising around some blogs regarding cuckolding I find a common theme is also chastity play. Actually in our case we tried the chastity play before she ever cuckolded me. This started before our wedding 14 years ago when we were having sex on a daily basis.

She wanted to forgo sex for two weeks prior to our marriage so that we would be ultra hot for each other. It was at this time that I read something about a chastity belt company in a news article. Turned out the chastity devices were worn on the outside of the clothes and really were more novelty than reality. Living in a major metropolitan area I went to several leather stores or bdsm places and to my utter amazement there were no chasity devices for men.

The internet was just getting under way back then and the web browsers were very slow and not really very good.

Eventually, I had one made, wore it for a few days and bought some commercial ones. The longest I have been in one is I believe 14 days and after that I had to get out as I was being rubbed raw. I have not yet found a device one can wear 24/7 for any great length of time. I will say that while in one, I was constantly aroused, if not physically, certainly mentally. There is not a moment that goes by that I am not aware of my penis and the weight of the device makes it very noticeable that I have one. Far from being a distractor, a chasity device is an ultra arousal device.

I became so aroused on two occassions I had spontaneous ejaculations while wearing it. Once it happened while I was in my office and a female employee walked in as I was cumming. She thought I was having a heart attack. It was very sexy to have her walk in and not fully understand what was going on. I think I told her I just got chilled from the a/c and was fine.

Well I may take my lovely wife away for a long weekend as I have some time off. I'm thinking aobut either Savannah or Charleston as they are both very charming cities.

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