Friday, July 13, 2007

Weekend events ....

This weekend promises to be interesting. A friend is coming to visit and he will have her. It was originially planned to be that he spent the night/s with her in our bedroom while I spent the night in the guest room.

Unfortunately, I got a bit ill this week and gave her a good scare. Had to spend a night in the local hospital getting some tests that turned out negative. I think she is feeling a bit sorry for me and mentioned she wanted to sleep with me in our bed this weekend.

We have tried the three of us in bed together but we do not have a king and it gets a bit cramped.

I will report on the weekend as it happens. Should be very interesting and even though she cuckolded me last week while I was away she will do so again this weekned while Im here but maybe not to the extent of what was planned, which just goes to show anyone out there that one may be a cuckold but our spouses still love us and are really loyal to us. I know that is a tough one for those that do not understand this world but then that is why I write this blog.

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