Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sans Pubic Hair

When I was a young kid, I could not wait till my pubic hair grew. I remember having to shower in the school gym after P.E. and was shy about my lack of pubic hair. Finally, about age 13 it came in and I hated it from the moment it arrived.
I wanted to get rid of it but was always afraid to do so for fear of being laughed at. There came a point in time where I started to trim it very short, but it was still there. Once a girl friend and I both shaved friskoff our respective forrests during some kinky play but it soon grew back, hers sooner than mine.....I liked the feel of no hair down there. Several years later I went in for a vasectomy and the nurses shaved me in prep of the surgery. That's a post in and of itself: but not today.
After being shaved I never let it grow back again and have not till this day and never will again.
When I met my wife, I soon discovered the hariest pussy I had ever seen., Most girls I knew either shaved it or trimmed it....I did not say a thing. We tend not too in those early relationship stages. One day I came home from work and we began to get frisky and have sex and to my delight she was shaved....Has been ever since and I love it.
We used to go to a nude beach and we came to the conclusion that more than 50% of the folks there are either shaved or very trimmed...Both sexes too...
So in the interest of my own curiousity, I have yet again put up a poll. This time for the men and the women readers and I ask if you are shaved and if you like your partner to be shaved. Please play along and as always leave me a comment if you want to elaborate. Thanks so much for playing.
I do appreciate all the comments and responses I have had to my recent posts. I mostly write this blog just because I enjoy writing and sharing our lives with you, but when you leave coments and play along you inspire me to keep this blog going. I love ya all.......thanks


Alfie said...

I shave Emma's best friend down to the base and trim the rest. Emma trims. If I want a shaven haven, she will oblige. Last time she shaved was about eighteen months ago.

Joy, Shared said...

Initially, I didn't particularly like the feeling when Jay shaved me -- mostly because of the itch when it grew back. But, I knew he preferred it so I did it for him.

I like it so much now that I've gotten used to it that I can't imagine ever going back.

bdenied said...

Alfie, If I were you I would be down there grooming on an hourly basis just cause she is so damn lovely....

Joy: if you don't let it grow back it does not itch...I also found J$J babby oil really prevent rash and razor bumps apply liberaly after shaving...

Anonymous said...

Good poll Q - I cast my vote, but its hard for me to be held to the choices given. I'd love to shave my wife, but she's not interested. I'd love to be shaved, but on a couple of occasions when I've just trimmed, she said she didn't like it. Oh well.

As for the tease & denial vs. just plain denial, I loved the post you reprinted. I've enjoyed this activity via cyberspace, and would be interested in a more real experience - but I don't know how this would be received by wife. Any helpful suggestions for me?

Lavender Fields said...

Im shaved myself.As for partners i prefer men to be hairy i love wrapping my fingers in their pubic hair during oral sex.But,i prefer female partners to be shaved.

bdenied said...

Con: Thanks for stopping by and leaving your insightful comment. Ill try to give you an answer but zip me off an email.

Anna: Interesting perspective. Unfortunately for your tastes I will never have pubic hair again.....but I understand your point of view.....and you look great shaved too.

Anonymous said...

Shave it! Nekkid skin is so fucking sexy!

And so are you!

I'm glad I found you!

cheers, Sugar!

Ms. Lily said...

Definitely shaved, I am, he is, and as a matter of fact he now shaves his chest so I don't have to have them tickling my nose at night when we are snuggling up to sleep.

bdenied said...

Vixen: You are a genious I can tell because we both think alike...(Great blog too)

Ms Lilly: I'll put you right into the genious category too.

Sucre said...

II either go bare or abstain until in full bush mode,

I like to have some hair on the guy, so I can pluck it out.

bdenied said...

Sucre...Your are not the first girl I have known who likes to do that....some even like pulling it.....well if I had any that would be fine, but I just don't care for it at all......not he plucking I just don't like pubic hair,,,,thanks for your comment

Kittie Kate said...

Well, I showed you mine, so you know the answer. ;)

I voted anyways.

bdenied said...

Kittie: I have to tell you that was the highlight of the day getting to look and yes I am well aware of the answer.

Kittie Kate said...

So glad you liked it. :)

Maybe in the future I'll do some more.

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