Friday, October 24, 2008


We forgot to do an HNT on Thursday so instead we are doing a Flash-Friday. I may have posted this before some time back in the blog so if you have seen it, sorry, you see it again. Not that the guy readers would mind being as they get a peek. It also goes along with my panty flash poll too. She has flashed hers on purpose and has gotten the attention of more than one male.

She wants to flash a policeman but every time we see one, she is either in shorts or jeans. She wants to do it in a restaraunt, accidentialy with her legs just open enough to give him a glimpse but not so obvious he knows it was on purpose.... Some might think she was without panties on this venture but they are indeed there..Pink little ones, and yes there were people around. We tried to make it look natural and that the exposure is just incidental t her sitting on the enjoy.....I did....even after 15 years with this woman I still get a thrill looking up her skirt.


Milliscent said...


It is wonderful that yo still get that thrill from looking up her skirt!

Ms. Lily said...

Well a happy Flash-Friday to you. Thank you for sharing, I really like that photo. Good luck on your quest to flash an officer. hehehe

bdenied said...

MsM; yes sometimes she will flash me and it just stops me dead in my tracks. If I'm trying to talk I stop. If I'm doing anything I stop. I am transfixed, amazed and mezmerized....the power is hypnotic

MsLilly, glad you approve...have any particular officer in mind?

13messages said...

Her beauty makes me smile. Lucky you, indeed, to have such a sexy and wonderful wife.

Great picture. :)

Alfie said...

Beautiful sexy picture of a beautiful sexy lady.

Miss Honey said...

Thought you would love to play this game...

You have been Tagged...
Visit this post on my blog for all the details... - have fun. :)

bdenied said...

13;; I'll pass your compliment onto her, Thanks for the kind words:

Alfie: A comment coming from someone with the hotty you have makes me feel really good...thanks

Honey: Ok Ill go play along....why not

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  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...