Friday, October 10, 2008

New poll

I thought I might try to put a poll on the blog...The question is for married ladies and it asks if they could would they have sex with someone other than their husband.

I get a lot of ladies to the site, so I assume they have an interest in the subject...Please take a moment and fill out the poll... besides in all the waiting for her to get laid, I had to write about something.


curiousgirl said...

your next poll should be for those of us who run screaming from the altar lol...;)


Polyamorous Couple said...

Interesting poll BD. I wonder if it naturally reflects the lifestyle of females interested in your blog, or if it reflects the general norm of women in our society as a whole.


Polyamorous Couple said...

Would also love to read some real accounts from those who voted in th epositive.


bdenied said...

CG: interesting point...I suspect you were one of those.....perhaps a poll should find out how many women had sex with someone other than hubby or before him on the wedding night or wedding-eve.

E&A I think it closely represents women in general as I just read a stduy indicating 1 in 3 were and that would be about the same response as my yes answers.....close anyway...and I too would like reading some of those exploits so if you are inclined to write one, Ill publish it....

curiousgirl said...

now that sounds like we could get some really interesting stories! should have a contest or something lol


bdenied said...

CG that would be a hoot wouldnt it....What should the prize be.....?Any suggestions?

curiousgirl said...

hmm...i'll have to get back to you on that one...i recently held a little contest with a ph call being the prize...the winner didnt want it (long story) so the prize sits on the shelf lol...


bdenied said...

CG: Great idea but who'd want to talk to me?

Milliscent said...

Monogamy may work for some people, and they may be happy in truly monogamous marriages, but it does not work for me or hubby.

I am pleased that we are able to openly explore our sexualities instead of secretly running around like most folks must do.

curiousgirl said...

hey, who said anything about talking ;)


i sent you a few suggestions...maybe you can spring board off of them...:)


bdenied said...

.Milliscent; That's a great comment and glad you left it....when it works fine but for us and people such as yourself it does not and that is why I post so others can see the normal in the "abnormal"

CG: hmmm I wonder too>

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...