Sunday, October 19, 2008

Change Attempt & Poll Summary

Both my Wife and I appreciate all the comments on our last two postings. Thank you all so much.

I tired to change the look here a bit and noted that the font was almost unreadable. Im sorry if I made it more difficult to read.

I dont like the side bar look and was trying to darken up some of the font. I have looked at a few different templates and was not happy with any of them, so I came back to this style.

The first poll was done. The font on the poll was very difficult to read and that is what started the attempt at the change. It did not work out so well.

The poll was in my opinion a success. I received a total of 92 votes. Exactly 50% of the ladies said they have sex with other than their husbnad and 35% said they would if the could. The 35% number is close to what other studies have show is the rate of "infidelity" among married women.....I think the pol here refelects some fairly accurate numbers...The number having sex with men other than their husbands is a bit higher than most studies but then this blog would probably attract people more inclined to explore outside their marriage, so I would think the number here is fairly accurate when the "I would if I could" votes are tallied.

Thank each of you who took the time to do my little bit of reasearch. I'm sure that it probably would and could be challenged by scientific pollsters and as such I won't make any claims that it was scientifically accurate, but it is there for thought provoking discussion.

Finally, if anyone is interested, although the Wife and I have been playing with each other and she has had cause to give me a few erections, I have not found my way back into her pussy since her guy came over and deposited his boys in her...Not because she has denied me access but with work, schedules etc we just haven't made the big trip to the finish line....


Miss Honey said...

It was a fun little poll... and the results are interesting.

Anonymous said...
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13messages said...

I wonder how my wife would have responded to your poll (assuming she didn't already). Of course, she has my permission to achieve orgasm in any way she desires, so "getting away with it" wouldn't really apply. :)

Good luck finding that finish line. It looks beautiful from here.

Lavender Fields said...

Personally i think lots of people cheat.They are just not up to admitting it.

bdenied said...

Miss Honey: I thought so too. Thanks for looking at it.

MR&MRSK: Welcome to the blog hope you stop by often. I will wander on over and take a look see at your place.

13;You would have to ask her....if you really want to know and if she would really tell you, and your attitude is certainly positive.

Anna; I think you are quite correct

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