Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A prompt

I actually got some puss last night. I had been teased for over a week and was ripe and ready. I got the shaving kit together, did nice job trimming her nicely smooth pussy and then feasted on her soft, slikly clit and pussy.

I was damn turned on and I entered her very wet having squirted on my face pussy and lasted probably 30 seconds......It was such an intense orgasm I almost passed out. Being turned on because she had gotten laid and because it had been a week kept the temperature up.

I just love her hot little body....


curiousgirl said...

shave and a haircut...two bits...but it looks like you got your bit in just fine ;)


db said...

& she does have a hot little body

bdenied said...

Curious, yes I did......i like putting in my two bits too.

Hank I think I shall have to pass on your compliment to her.....

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