Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A fantasy

The caption in this photo did not come out as well as I had hoped. I found the photo on a web site and I do not blieve it was copywrited so I downloaded it. But what the caption says is that her husband likes to undress her for her boyfriend.
She and I have discussed this and while I am not present much, this is something I would really like to watch. Her boyfriend underssing her in front of me and then taking her into the bedroom, closing the door and then I could listen as he has his way with her. This is something I hope happens sooner rather than later and its something we or at least she discussed with the boyfriend. I also think the photo is hot.
The blog has hit a milestone with over 1/4 million hits. I have noticed the page hits have dropped by about 20% in the past week or so and I wonder why....Perhaps its the lack of cuckolding that is taking place and little to write about.....if anyone has any thoughts on this please let me know...also if you have any ideas for posts please share em with me.....


curiousgirl said...

i think your blog is fine the way it is...there is a genuine feeling to it...in real life, things tend to occur in fits and starts...such as with the cuckolding...dont fret my pet, lol...all will be well...

this pic was a totally hot fantasy...reminds me of an erotic short story i read a long long time ago that i still pull out from time to time for "inspiration"...


bdenied said...

Thanks CG and its a pleasure to have you as a reader. I enjoy your comments

Emma Kelly said...

Hi there bd,

Interest peaks when stuff is going on. Peak times for us can be four times the usual.

As for the girl, she sure has "The Look." You could tell she's a slut even in a nun's habit.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

A. Secret said...

That pic is a fantasy of mine I must say. Leaves me rather damp.

bdenied said...

A.....we hope that it becomes a reality then.....would not want all that dampness to go for naught...now would we.....

Anonymous said...

Your hits are down because I have been working a lot and ddin't have time to read the blog...haha

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...