Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thinking about it

I worked late the other night coming home in the early morning hours. I gave her a nice snuggle but tried not to wake her. The next morning she woke up and had that "frisky" look, but she is still recovering from her surgical ordeal and has not felt totaly up to par. In any event she said, she had been "bad" while I was at work. Now that is our code for "I masturbated. "
I thought about that most of yesterday but never got around to getting myself off. So last night as we were watching tv she started her gentle stroking of my favorite body part. I could tell from her touch that there would be no "happy ending." I have learned over the years that sometimes she just plays with it because she like the feel of him or just wants to do something to amuse herself. We went into the bedroom after the news to watch Leno and she continued to play with him. I was getting very turned on and very erect.
So today I have been contemplating finishing it but that would just not seem right.
I prefer to let her decide when I cum or if I do......the intensity of staying on the edge for those of you who havent tried it can be very erotic. so today Ill just stay on the edge if I can

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Psudeo Mag Cover

This is a cool cover. I just happened to like it. It got me to wonder. If a cuckold bets his wife's pussy in a poker hand and the cuckold wins the hand, does that mean the wife fucks the other guy? Or...does it mean she only fucks him if the cuckold husband looses the poker hand? Seems to me the cuckold wins either way......

This cover has a lot to say. Aside from the poker bet, it talks about hot sex witht the ex. Most women I know hate their ""ex" but could there be hot sex with the ex....could there be sex witht he ex while the cuckold husband is around....Just food for thought I suppose...kinda gets the fantasy juices flowing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A fantasy

The caption in this photo did not come out as well as I had hoped. I found the photo on a web site and I do not blieve it was copywrited so I downloaded it. But what the caption says is that her husband likes to undress her for her boyfriend.
She and I have discussed this and while I am not present much, this is something I would really like to watch. Her boyfriend underssing her in front of me and then taking her into the bedroom, closing the door and then I could listen as he has his way with her. This is something I hope happens sooner rather than later and its something we or at least she discussed with the boyfriend. I also think the photo is hot.
The blog has hit a milestone with over 1/4 million hits. I have noticed the page hits have dropped by about 20% in the past week or so and I wonder why....Perhaps its the lack of cuckolding that is taking place and little to write about.....if anyone has any thoughts on this please let me know...also if you have any ideas for posts please share em with me.....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday at the Park

No its not what you think. No photos this time. I have published just about all that we have taken so I suppose its time to break out the camera again.

We spent a delighful day with our new found friends. Had a great lunch. Then headed off for a local arts show. It was hot but beautiful and we meandered the show which was small but not so crowded you could not see the displays.

I had to keep an eye on my bride as she is recovering from some minor but rather painful out patient surgery......and she does not tolerate heat well at all.

We bought one piece, saw one piece we really liked but were afraid it may not fit and frankly it was somewhat pricey.

We all bought several cold waters and I could not help but notice how really pretty our two ladies are. They both had on skimpy tank tops and they both have in my humble opinion really cute and sexy figures and breasts.

Although we have not seen them naked we have seen both their naked photos so whats under the clothing is not a mystery but still......hmmmmm would love to see her in person and I think I can speak for my wife when I say, she has a similar feeling. He even remarked about how he did not like his skin tone in the last photo we had seen and I said I did not think my wife was really noticing skin tone.....but she did remark about the erection he sported at the time.....imagine that.

Well although this is a boring post with no hot sex, I just had to write about it. These two friends are very sensual people and being with them is fun and hot in more ways than the outside temperature...aside from that they are both very bright energetic people who are great company.

We started to head back when that sinking horrible feeling came over me as I realized I could not find my car keys. Crap we had walked a long distance and to go back and trace my footsteps seemed like long shot but one I had to take. I won't bore you with the search, it was long and hot and I asked several times at the lost and found center and no luck until I heard a radio call with someone describing a lost set of keys they had just found...If you dont believe in miracles, just believe that I believe.....I got my keys back and the four of us spent the next 30 minutes celebrating with a dish of ice cream for the girls and we guys had milk shakes....the girls looked great with whipped cream on the sides of their mouth and being the guy I am my imagination was running wild. I will leave you with that thought in mind today.

Happy Memorial Day and to all those who keep us free and who have paid the price to do so, God Bless you and thank You.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Old FWB's

She received a call at work this morning from her number one fWB from our previous home state. he asked her what city we live in and if he could get there would she be willing to spend the night with him.

She told me this with a big smile on her face. I have been telling her that sooner or later he will make it here...I can only hope for her that he does....when we dont know...but at least he still thinks about her...

Sorry for the lack of posts but not much too write about and my wireless is giving me a problem. It has not worked very well since we got here and the signal keeps fading in and out. Bought a new splitter today but the signal did not improve, so the cable company is coming to fix it this I may be up or I may be down.

Friday, May 16, 2008

New Job, Missed Opportunity

Short post today. She got a new job...That part is great....she starts Monday. Thats fine too. She did not expect to get the new job so soon and had made arrangements to meet the new FWB on Monday and do him and as she said, "I really want to fuck him again."

So a missed opportunity......hope he is persistent...I was looking forward to it too....I just love it when she is sexual....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A prompt

I actually got some puss last night. I had been teased for over a week and was ripe and ready. I got the shaving kit together, did nice job trimming her nicely smooth pussy and then feasted on her soft, slikly clit and pussy.

I was damn turned on and I entered her very wet having squirted on my face pussy and lasted probably 30 seconds......It was such an intense orgasm I almost passed out. Being turned on because she had gotten laid and because it had been a week kept the temperature up.

I just love her hot little body....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Details on Monday' Cuckolding Event

Well frankly, I do not have a lot of details. He came over. I know that much and he fucked her. I assume that much. She did not go into details and I did not ask. I did ask what time he came by and thats about it.His scent was on her in some places.

Her pussy had that "I have been fucked feel."

She played with me a lot during the course of the evening,keeping me good and hard for a long time. I stroked her pussy through those panties. Eventually she took them off and that is when I noted the "Pussy has been fucked" feel.....

We went into the bedroom to watch one of the late night shows and as we lay there she kept stroking me slowly. A stroke I have come to learn means, "I'm just playing, you're not cumming tonight." It was ok with me although I did want her badly but I don't want to be one of those husbands who just has to "reclaim" their territory. It's not about me after all, its about her freedom to enjoy sex with whom she chooses.

I did kiss her pussy good night and she smiled when I did....I enjoyed doing so too.

She has been playing with me a bit tonight too....maybe I'll get lucky and cum and maybe I wont.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Cuckold

I came home from work today a bit late as it was a strange day where not much went on schedule. She greeted me with a big smile and kiss. She often puts on lipstick and makeup for me when I come home. A nice touch I love. She had on one of my older t-shirts. (women love wearing husbands t-shirts0 and I did not notice what was under it as it was long.

I have her a hug and kiss and noted she had put on her make up and told her she looked happy. She pulled her shirt up and she on on these panties.. I immediately knew what they meant. I said, "Did you get laid today? She smiled and said "That's why I kept these on." I knew who did her although I have not met him. I have not been in her pussy for several days and I wonder If I will tonight, or if its still off limits...She has been teasing me and Im quite horny...Ill let you know when I know.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fridays-Thursday HNT

Alfie from his blog of Alfie Loves Emma, asked me to post my favorite picture. Well I have so many its hard to know what my favortie is.. But this one ranks up there. I just kind like it as she looks so iviting. I like the little panties, the bra and the boots. Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hanging around

Well today we finally started to hang some art work on the walls of the new house. I hate doing that and since this is an older home the walls are more crooked than your average politician.

I went to one of those big "Box" home improvement stores and bought a lazer level... I wound up hanging them the old fashioned way by eye balling it. The lazer comes with no directions on how to use it so I gave up trying to follow its red line.

She and the boyfriend texted all day back and forth. He waslike a puppy begging for table scraps. He really wanted her pussy but she kept telling him we were busy doing our home improvement thing.

I think one of my blog connections just wrote about her short patience with guys who annoy her. He missed his chance yesterday when I was at work and today she and I just needed to get this done....Hanging paintings is a pain and I have to finish tomorrow..You can only take so much of that crap.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Tuesday Brought

Tuesday brought rain, and a trip to the dentist for her. Her planned date was called off because of work for him and she was a bit sore after having a crown put on a tooth.....she came home looking like someone had punched her in the jaw........ouch..

I had to go to work but just thinking about her getting nailed and having played around last night, caused me to take matters into my own hands......

Sorry but sometimes that is life......that's how you kow we are for real anyway....if there was any doubt.

Monday, May 5, 2008

What will Tuesday Bring

Last night watching television, her phone rang. She had a text message from her new BF....He sent several messages and she replied. Obvious flirting going on.

In the meantime she was stroking me, getting me aroused. She has pretty much kept me in a more or less aroused state for the past week...Sure some of why is because I told her I'd enjoy some teasing...I like the feeling of being aroused. Makes me feel young again...Guys know what I mean...Those times as a teen and young adult when an erection could be caused because the wind was out of the south...Girls sometimes have a difficult time with it...For some women there is power in getting a guy to come...For others there is power in the tease and denial. I like the feeling of having my orgasms controlled but I like just feeling aroused...Its the adventure of the journey more than the arrival at the destination.

Well in any event, she is supposed to see him tomorrow while I am at work....I think her phone just rang and she is talking to him now.....Ill let you know when I know

Friday, May 2, 2008


This photo was taken a while back but just thought I might post it anyway, especially since Im in one of my exhibitionist moods.....and also cause a few of the other guy bloggers have been I thought I'd show off too....hope you don't mind.

On another note, we were out having coffee the other night when one of her boyfriends started to text message her. It was fun watching her text back and forth as they flirted. It was fun to watch that sly smile come across her face knowing she was turning a guy on she showed me one little snippet where he said she had a really nice tasting, so without telling me she told me that he had gone down on her. That was hot because she had not given me much of any detail about this at least I knew he had headed south. I appreciate a guy who likes to likes to eat pussy. In any event here is me !

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...