Thursday, August 16, 2007

Trials of Advertising

Took a chance yesterday and posted an add on Craigs List hoping to find a guy for her. Got bombed by a bunch of idiot men. Sometimes I hate my fellow brothers as we can be such abject idiots. Here is the average response to our rather thoughtful add. "Always horny, ready and want to do her.!" "Big cock is always ready." You get the idea, these guys think with their cocks not their brains.

We say, tell us something about you and they tell us they are horny....Wow impressive makes her panties wet. You bet.....Most of them can not put two sentences together with more than two words per sentence. I dont know.....Idiots!!!!!

Did chat with one guy today who is somewhat promising. He says he will try to make some time on Saturday to meet. I dont think it will happen. Most men who are in some kind of relationship are far too busy and its far too complicated to hook up. We will see. I suppose I should post an HNT thing as that seems in vogue but I did that the other day. She was half naked.......half exposed and I think that will have to suffice for the week. Perhaps soon Ill post both of us.

Thanks for stopping by and reading.......


Anonymous said...

What is HNT?

bdenied said...

The best I can tell it means Half Naked Thursday but why it does not mean half Naked Tuesday I can not tell you...something bloggers have started I guess. Anyone out there have the actual answer?

Polyamorous Couple said...

Cucktoy, BD,

It's Half Naked Thursday alright. Why Thursday, and Half Naked, beats me. From what we see in Adult Blog World it's "Mostly Naked Everyday."

And Eve and I like it that way too.

BD, I am trying to figure out how one would chat up a stranger on the matter of playing with my wife. Male or female. I run through imaginary dialogues in my mind and it all comes out sounding ridiculous.

Just what did you say to this fellow?

- Alex

Anonymous said...

Let her find her own men, I find I enjoy watching her hunt as well as have sex with other men. I most enjoy situations were my Wife around a bunch of guys at a bar and they think they are drawing her in for a Gang Bang when it;s the other way around!

Cherrie said...

I don't use Craigslist, Adult Friend Finder or other internet sites to find men. I use my own blog. If you comment on my site I know you are interested in me, and I can judge your intelligence by the words you leave behind.

Yes, a select few of my current friends were found through blogging.

Milliscent said...

I think you raise a very valid point, the amount of chaff one must go through in order to find the right person can be very discouraging.

That said wonderful people are out there and can be found. The friendships (and more) that result well more than make up for the effort.

Years ago I found internet matchup sites effective for meeting people, but now I have to agree with Cherrie. I meet virtually everyone through my website, blog, and through friends.

bdenied said...

Thanks for everyone's comments. Ms Millicent, it was ecouraging to hear that we are not the only ones who have to fly through the chaff to find someone. One would think this cuckolding is easy but in truth it is difficult....

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...