Saturday, August 11, 2007

Re Jec Shun

Have you seen the commercial with The two ex jocks who are in a bar when the blond hotty rejects some guy with a grey beard. The say, Re-Jec-Shun....I think the two are Walt Frazier and Keith Hernandez but thats not important.

  1. I was contacted the other day by a young guy who thought he might like to do her. I asked him to tell me something about himself and he said "Always horny." I said that tells me what you are not who you are. Guys can be such assholes. The communicate like rocks. Duh.........anyway he sent a picture and I did not think she would be impressed and I was correct. He was not her type and it does not matter if he uses Grecian Formula or anything else he got....Re-Ject-Shun.

Too bad we both need her to get laid by some strange cock.


Anonymous said...

V and I hate when we see guys profiles that say stupid things like, "big 9 inch cock here" or "giver of oral for hours" just really turns us off.

Really now, that is NOT what it is all about, ya know?

Anonymous said...

i fucking HEART keith hernandez.. have you seen this?!?!

- the mayor

Anonymous said...

i fucking HEART keith hernandez.. have you seen this?!?!
i'm keith hernandez

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