Monday, June 4, 2007


Nothing really to report. She probably wont see number one guy for a week or so. He did call again this morning for anoher phone session. He seems to vasciallate between calls and actual get togethers. He lives a 100 miles or so from us so it is difficult to get them hooked up too often wich might take some of the excitement out of it anyway.

I have been corresponding with our friend who lives in New England. He wants to come by in the summer for a visit. He will probably take her into the bedroom while I spend the night in the guest room or he may just take her to a hotel while I stay home wondering what they may do. I will let everyone know when it happens.

I have been enjoying reading several blogs regarding hot wifeing and cuckolding. I especially enjoy Mrs Kelly's Playhouse. She write sincerely, and to the point.

It amazes me how many blogs with what is supposd to be a sexual content never mention anything sexual. Lots of bloggers just write to hear the keys tap. Since I do not want to be one of those bloggers Im outta here. Hopefully I will have something to write about soon enough.


helpmate hubby said...

Just an FYI To let you know that i love your blog, hope you will keep it up for many years to come!

bdenied said...

Thanks for your comment. I tried to look at your blog but it is a members or invited persons only blog and I could not get there. Hopefully you will see this comment and let me know how I can get to your blog as I would like to link it here. I hope I can continue this for many years to come also.

Unknown said...

While I can see why you would think that blogs should contain mostly sexual content, that is is a horny man's thinking, not a woman. Most women's blogs are fake or for profit. Being a cuckoldress myself, I find interest in reading blogs that have both sexual and non sexual content. If there is too much sexual content, it is not as erotic to me. The high I get from cuckolding is not just the act itself, but the mental "fuck", so to speak, like your wife keeping the panties on to hold the cum from the event.

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...