Friday, February 8, 2008

HNT or is it Friday

I happen to like this photo. Not only does it show off her cute little chest. I just love the way her legs are spread and the sweet spot is covered by tight denim. I know I am biased here but I think this is a hot photo. In the new house with lots to do and that's why the blog has slowed a bit. I will post when able so please check back. I promise to not let this blog die unless I notice no one is stopping by. Leave a comment as they are always appreciated.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your posts for a short while now, and I can say that yes, I agree with you... that is a GREAT shot.

If it helps, know that I stop by all the time...If that bothers you.. then ... no, I don't come by at all.. :D



Anonymous said...

It looks just natural and like a well deserve rest!!!
I love it!!
Happy belate HNT!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are being bias at all. That picture has the potential to create erections where there were none.

Take your time getting your house affairs in order. I don't mind the wait.

I wish you the best in your new employment.


helpmate hubby said...

i really enjoy seeing your Wife spread open like that!

Anonymous said...

That is such a sexy photo, so natural. I am sorry that this is an anonymous comment, but i can not seem to post under my nic !

db said...

It is definitely a HOT photo. It is very inviting.


Anonymous said...

Yes, very nice photo..and I stop by all the time. I would rather wait while you get yourselves set up, than never read about your adventures again.

bdenied said...

Pb thanks for the comment and nope it doesnt bother me and if it does then you can just lurk..

Sea....appreciate the nice comment

San what can I say youre always welcome to stop by.

Anonymous, try sending me an email and well work on your posting problem....I cant think of why you cant.

Hank, she will be pleased....very pleased....

Jude we'll get set up and well keep writing.

Anonymous said...

It must be so hard -- and yet so strangely erotic -- to be denied by a sexy woman like her. Congratulations!

Alfie said...

Great picture, lovely lady. And don't you dare stop blogging.

Lavender Fields said...

She does look very beautiful in that pic

bdenied said...

Alfie and Anna its always nice to read your comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to come by. Anonymous, not really but thanks for the worry anyway. I just love it.....

Kittie Kate said...

That is a nice photo!
She has the right sized boobs!

bdenied said...

Kittie Kate thank you and I looked at your photos and you have the perfect seize too....I think I shall put a link to you here.

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...