Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Too Hot for Comfort

We are having a major heat and our A/C took a dump. It got up to 90 in the house so we checked into our local hotel not far from here \.

I called the service company and they are supposed to get us in touch with a contractor. Lets hope. She is supposed to get together tomorrow with her new numero uno fantasy guy...The one who said he would make her forget all about the old one,.

Let's hope...but they will probably have to go to the hotel if the a/c is not fixed....that will be cool....I'll be here sweating while he is in a cool room making her sweat...LOL....I have not put my penis into her pussy since the last time he did her. I wonder if he knows that....????? I wonder sometimes if he tells her not to fuck me until after he is done with her...In some ways that would be very cool....I know she does not want me in her before hand and from what I can tell not usually afterwards either....cool enough with me.....but I also know that men who fuck other men's wives do not particularly want the husband doing the wife before he gets his cock in her.

I know this because she will often tell me, her fuck buddy will ask her when the was the last time she got laid. They make it sound like...."Oh you poor girl you must be horny from lack of cock..." but I think what they are really tring to discern is when was the last time another guy deposited his cum in her pussy...Most guys even though they do another man's wife do not want to put their cocks in a cum filled pussy...They much prefer the husband do that....so be it...so I would not ever be suprised if the boyfriend asks the wife to not fuck the husband until he gets his cock in her....if it happens I wonder how many times it has happened with us as it is not something she has told me before hand.......anyone having any thoughts on this let me know.


Joy, Shared said...

Joy didn't want me there beforehand either, but I think that was more about wanting to be 'fresh' than some sort of request he'd made -- though, like you, she didn't tell me what her actual reasoning was.

bdenied said...

Joy, does she want to be fresh when she invites you in......you see I find she doesnt mind that I get seconds...

Joy, Shared said...

Not in my experience, no. And, seconds are fine with me.

Emma Kelly said...

Hi bd,

Em is adamant about safe sex so this is an issue I have not experienced. It is one of those areas to which my cuckold mind sometimes wanders.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

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