Sunday, March 2, 2008

Standing in Line

As you know if you have been following the blog, Im in our new home and she is still at the old one..Only 12 more days until I go get her and drive her back to Texas. We are leaving hurricane ally for the great plains of the Lone Star State. Can not wait till it happens.

In the meantime her number one guy moved, we are moving (I already have) and our (especially my) sex lives have come to a screeching halt. She has managed to get diddled a couple of times, once by an old high school buddy and once by a new guy we met in our old city.....but the later has been very inconsistent in seeing her. At least I think he has one time since I left anyway.

So we have come to find some potential replacements in the new area. Most are idiots who have the fantasy but that is about it. Now keep in mind she had coffee with one when she visited me about three weeks ago and she likes him. Thinks he is cute (only a girl would say that about a guy) and has potential.

She has also emailed two others and finds them very interesting. Both alpha male types. We find that when it gets down to meeting they often are MIA (missing in action) and fail to show up. I think Emma and Scott have reported the same at their blog.

In any event I was talking to her on the phone last night and she said something to the effect that if all three guys were to work out, I might have to stand in line and wait my turn.

There was something very sexy and erotic about hearing that from her. I can not put my finger on it but I think it was because she was letting me know she really does like the role of hot wife.

She also mentioned that she was glad we have gone down this path and that she really is having fun exploring her sexuality without judgement and angst on my part.

All I can say about that is, "I'll gladly take my place in line!"

1 comment:

db said...

Hey! what is this line for?
/get's in line

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