Monday, December 29, 2008

When I knew

The story of the gift continues.....I had mentioned that we met the gift giver and his wife and had dinner with them and we became friends. At one point he even took my wife out to dinner alone when I was away.....Prior to that, she and I had talked many times about a threesome of her even doing another guy, but up to then it had only been talk.
He and his wife had actually moved to our city but only for a temporary time and they had bought another home and had acutally moved again. I wont go into details as it would invade their privacy too much...but in any event he happened to be in town and invited us out to dinner. We accepted and met him at a very nice hotel on the water.....It was a balmy spring night and we got a table on the patio overlooking the river....The lights from the hotels and the boats were dazzling and beautiful as was my wife, who wore a very short skirt, matching top and CFM shoes...She looked ravishing and had worn the skirt for him because where he came from girls don't often wear short skirts and he had remarked several times how much he liked her legs.
So we are sitting at dinner and she says she had to go to the ladies room. She gets up and walks by the bar on her way to the ladies room. I notice three naval officers in uniform at the bar. From their insignia I can tell they are Naval Aviators and probably on the carrier that is in town at the local port. As she walks by one of the Aviators a good looking guy of mid rank steps in front of her and its obvious he is flirting with her. I can tell by her look that she is very impressed and at the same time speechless. She chats briefly and continues on to her appointment with the Procelian God/ess.....Our friend who also sees this remarks that my wife just got hit on....I agree with him and even note that she seemed to enjoy it but was unsure of what to do.
She came back a few minutes later and the three of us did not mention the encounter but I could tell my wife was really hot for the good looking Naval Aviator and she would glance his way from time to time....Soon our dinner ended and we said good night to our friend and headed for our car.
Almost as soon as we were out of hearing range of our friend, she and I chatted about her getting hit on....She told me that she found that guy really hot and she flat out admitted, "I just wanted to take him to a room and have him fuck me silly!" Even before she said this, I knew that she was or would do another man. I could tell by the look in her eye when Mr Fighter Pilot came in from her twelve O 'Clock and got on her tail....I asked her what he had said to her and she told me that when he stood in front of her he said, "Are you following me." I asked her what she said and she told me, "Nothing, I just stammered like a girl in 8th grade and smiled at him," and said, No, er I did not mean too or something girly..." She admits to not being quick on the uptake and I told her that she should have said, "I'm just following your contrails......" For those of you who do not know, contrails are the white cloud like whisps left behind by a planes engines.....
But at the moment he stepped in front of her I knew that her pussy was available to other men. She knew I knew and she also knew that I was as turned on about it as a light bulb.....and I think that is the night she finally came to the understanding that fucking other men was a real turn on for me and not something she had to fear......Our poor friend to this day has not experienced the joy of her pussy and I'm on his side, I hope he gets in there sometime....He deserves it if for nothing but patience and persistence.....In the meantime I can share his gift to her with you......besides I like showing her off....she is a hot wife, cuckoldress and almost but not quite a total hot slut......

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The gift

Yesterday I mentioned that she received this lovely little piece of lingerie and said that I would tell you the story behind it.
The other day I was home, the door bell rang and UPS delivered a package. She does a lot of on line ordering so I thought nothing of the package, especially since its the Holiday season.
When she came home and opened it, I heard her giggle and laugh and did not know why. I came out and she said she had received a gift and she bet I could not tell her who it was from.
I guessed but all my answers were wrong. Several years ago we met a couple on line who lived in a town where we once lived and they were moving to where we currently lived. They had dabbled in swinging and we had discussed it ourselves but at the time we had done nothing. We met them and became friends. The husbby and I worked in the same profession and had similar interests. There was no sexual spark between his wife and me and continued to just be friends (without benefits)
Once when I was on a trip, he took my wife out to dinner and attempted to seduce her. I understand that she showed him her pert titties and he kissed her but no sex. He has been trying for several years to get into her panties. I suppose she is not a total slut because a total slut fucks anyone at anytime.....
They moved and we moved and we havent heard from them in a long time, but apparently he has been keeping in touch with her which I did not know. He still wants to do her and this small gift might just do the trick as she is receptive to his advances....Yet, he lives several states away so the likelyhood of them getting together is slim. But the lingerie made for a good post and two nice pictures and its really nice to know that he wants to fuck her and its nice to know she has been keeping contact with him....

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Results

I want to thank all 216 people who participated in the poll. I do appreciate your time. I especially want to thank those of you who commented as your comments filled in a lot of the whys and reasons.

So the results are in. I offer my analysis: Overall both men and women think that it would be a good idea if MsBdenied only let me cum 12 times a year. The men favored this the most with 38% favoring the idea.

Women also supported this method with a 24% in favor. But here is the truly amazing part. If you add up the 12 times a year and the zero votes a year the result is 52% think it would be a good idea for me not to cum between zero and 12 times a year. Men and women both voted this way with 52% of the vote. So the people who read this blog all seem to be of the same mind regardless of their sexual identity. Men it appears are more infavor of me cumming at least minimally....I did not leave other choices so the exact preferances are really not known. But several of you either said cum a lot or dont cum at all. some sent me direct replies and a few of you left that sentiment on the blog.

The most amazing results though I think are that women either want me to cum or dont want me to cum and this is reflected in their votes as 27% wanted it only 12 times a year but 24% wanted me to not cum at all. So overall the girls opt for more denial even though the men opted for less frequency.....

I suppose I could take zero and 12 and do another poll but polls get old after a while, so Im going to leave it at that.

Now I suppose that many of you want to know how Ms Bdenied would have voted. She did not think 12 times a year was enough.....But she does like the tease and deny game, she was more on the lines of 24 times but really did not have a hard and fast number. I think what this showed both of us is that tease and denial is a very popular sport with both the men and the women with perhaps the women preferring it a bit more than the guys. We both agreed and perhaps you will too that a woman has power whether she is letting the guy cum or not cum....the bottom line is it is a powerful thing for her to either give a guy a cum or not give him a cum.

Im going to leave you with a photo of Msbdenied on Christmas morning. The lingerie she is wearing was a gift but not from me. I will write about that tomorrow as it is an interesting story. I can tell you what I did not get for Christmas....can anyone guess. On Christmas Eve though MsBdenied got one and I wonder if you can guess what she got.....Actually I wanted one too but she stopped short and what I wanted has only happened once this month.....Merry Christmas and happy HNT to you all out there

Thursday, December 18, 2008

She wants to know

A couple of posts ago, I mentioned that female friend and I had a conversation about orgasm denial etc.
I was speaking to my wife the other day and she thought it would be a good idea to have a poll and see what the readers thought about this subject.

She was interested to see if the men or women would have different with that in mind I have posted a survey...One for the ladies and one for the men to keep the results apart and easy to please play along and add your answer...comments are also appreciated....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Disappointment in the Big D

So yesterday I get a call from Ms bdenied about 3pm and she tells me that we are going to have company this evening. That is code for she is going to get laid by her number one fuck buddy. She asks me if I am ok with it and I of course agree...

The weather here in the Metroplex is going down faster than my 401K and she is told to leave work early because the roads are bad. Now she only works about 2miles from the house. She gets home about 5:30 and she gets the call that he is on his way.

Now when she called earlier, I changed the sheets, straightened up a bit and generally had things ready for her.

So it's now rush time as she is home and I give the kitty a quick haircut, and stand there with a hard on as she slithers into a camisole, sexy lacy boy short panties, thigh highs and not much elese. Phone rings right at this time and its her boss. Can she hurry back to the office and man the phones because the weather is creating havoc and the business is one in which clients are going to be calling in and since the boss is very service oriented she wants someone to speak to the clients instead of having to leave messages.

Well you should see the look on her face....You should see mine. What's she going to do, tell the boss, sorry my boyfriend is coming over to get some pussy and I can't come in..Off comes the camy, on go the jeans, (yeah the panties and stockings styaed on and off she goes. She got elected because she is the junior one in the office but more because she lives the closest.

Ten minutes later fuck bud shows up and he is looking at me like a dog staring at a clock when I tell him that she had to go back to work. He is gracious about it and declines my invite to come in and have a drink or something. So what a bummer. It's damn hard to be the Cuckold Husband when the weather and bosses consipre against you. Hopefully he will take a "sleet check" and return to finish what is was he wanted to start.

I was especially bummed because the last couple of times he came by, I wasn't even here. Oh well, its the thought that counts.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

HNT or Come out and Play

Sometimes I just like to come out and play for a was one of those days......There is something very interesting about being fully dressed but just having it exposed like this........

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An Interesting Conversation

For those of you who read this blog, you may be aware that on occasion we play tease and denial games....I like them..I like the attention that she gives me when she plays with me.For me it is very soothing and relaxing...I know a lot of guys are thinking no way could I be left hanging.....maybe its not for you, but for me it is.

Well I have a female friend who also likes tease and denial games and we had a chat and she said or rather asked me how it would feel to be limited to a specific number of ejaculations...Like how limited I asked and she said no more than once a month for a total of 12 in a year.....or once every other month for a total of only six......I had to think about that....would fantasy overtake reality.....

I mean what would the absolute minimum be....twelve, six, three, two, one or none........what would Ms bdenied be comfortable with? what would I be comfortable with.....? what would you be comfortable with? Maybe I should do a poll and let you the reader decide......any comments?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Poll Results Crotch Watchers

Well the results are in and 85% of you ladies will look to the left and view the crotch. 15% of you wont. Question is what do you see?

For those who partook of the poll I thank you so much...

and for those of you more interested in cuckolding and hot wives, she got a call from her very first (I think first) guy she cuckolded me with several years back. He saw her on line and they chatted. I will post some details of that in the very near future. Because of the distance there was no playing except on the phone but it was nice that she heard from him. For those of you who want to immediately revisit the past you can check the

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...