Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm thankful for my hot wife...Enjoy your day....


Mariposa said...

That is indeed something to be thankful for!

Got here through another HNTer...

bdenied said...

Mariposa, thanks for the comment and welcome to the blog..Hope you come by often and regardless ofhow you found it, Im happy you did find it.

Greg and Sheryl said...

And we are thankful for your willingness to share your hot wife! :-)

Alfie said...

I do love your impromptu shots. That one is great! Makes me wish I had a car.

bdenied said...

G&S:: Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to youu two also...Thanks for the nice comment....she is fun to share too.....

Alfie: I'll take that as a great compliment coming from someone who shares really great photos......The car you have to do on your own

Milliscent said...

I must agree with you, you are quite lucky to have such a great wife!

bdenied said...

MsM: She is wonderful and it's nice to have her, believe me......

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