Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Boots for HNT

She went shopping and came home with some new boots. I hope you like them as much as I like them.....
She said there were no bras on sale....I hate sales anyway....


Pepper said...

Great boots...and what a plus there were no bras.

Emma Kelly said...

Hi bd,

Sales suck!


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

Miss Honey said...

What pretty new boots... and pretty other things as well. :)

Alfie said...

We're all glad there were no bras in the sale. And I'm a sucker for boots.

bdenied said...

S&P: Welcome to the blog and thanks for the comment hope to see you back often

Scott: I agree......

MSH: I happen to like those shorts...more or less they let you know if there are panties present under them....she has worn them out before...interesting looks she gets

Alfie: Yeah bras are overratted arent they

Anonymous said...

Boots seems to be a bit of a theme for this week's HNTs. Your wife looks totally hot in hers, I must say!

Happy HNT!

db said...

I like the boots
the Mrs is as hot as ever

bdenied said...

Swingerwife: Boots are always a good theme...they are sexy, hot and make a girl look so damn confident...welcome to the blog:

Hank: Can't tell you how glad I am to see that you stopped by. You made our day...thanks.

Milliscent said...

Very nice boots. Very nice everything else for that matter!

bdenied said...

MSM: Thank You for such a nice compliment.....since it comes from one of the best looking ladies in blogger land

Lavender Fields said...

mmmmmmm such sexy boots

MyKey said...

Who needs bras!
Hot lady, thanks for the picture..

bdenied said...

Anna: Welcome and hope your feeling better.

Mykey: I agree who needs bras

Mi Miembro.....We always aim to please

Kittie Kate said...

Those are nice boots. :)

Boots, no bras? ;)

Naughty K said...

Sexy... I can't believe I missed these last week... Happy belated HNT!

bdenied said...

KK: Yeah, I'd hate to be a bra salesman these days

Naughty K: Thanks for dropping by.....hows the weather up there in the mountains.....keep'n those grils warm I hope

Maeve said...

We won't complain that there is no bra sale!

bdenied said...

Maeve: Hello, gald to see you again...

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