Thursday, November 6, 2008


I look outside today and the leaves are falling in the pool. The diving board is covered in the autum leaves and I remembered this photograph taken on a warm day in early summer. I thought I might share it with you for HNT.
The survey on shaving is done. The results are a bit misleading since their were multiple answers to the question
Of the respondents 84 percent of the men who answered shave or wax. Of the ladies 95% shave or wax and only two ladies said they do not care for their men to be shaved or waxed. No men said they do not care for other men to shave or wax...
Thanks for participating in my little un-scientific poll. It was fun.


13messages said...

It was a fun poll. Now about that beautiful shot of your oh so sexy wife. I'd be a lucky man to be caressing her right now.


bdenied said...

13: Thanks I would love for someone to caress her leg. I am beginning to suffer from cuckold withdrawl again...she needs some strange cock....I know it and she knows it too.....

Anonymous said...

A perfect picture in every way. Oh, for it to be summer again.

Your wife is just beautiful.


Miss Honey said...

Well now... how could you not want to just dive right in. :)

Kittie Kate said...

I liked the poll.
Nice pic.

Happy HNT!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Gorgeous shot...what a tease. :)

And that's a lovely dress, too.

Alfie said...

Over the coming months, we will need constant reminders of sunnier days. Don't let us down.

SheenV said...

A very enticing photo! And just my $0.02 on the pole: I shave everything below the top of the base of my cock, and trim everything above it. Occasionally I'll shave that off too. On my SO, I like it either way - shaved or trimmed. I don't really like too much hair down there on her.

Ms. Lily said...

I am late, but lovely photo. I am missing the warm weather already :( Happy belated HNT!!

bdenied said...

everyone who commented I will respond to you all in kind but right now Im late and running later. stay tuned and thanks

MyKey said...

I could kiss those legs all night!

Maeve said...

Just a teasing peek...
Happy belated HNT!

bdenied said...

Swinger. Summer full time., I acutally came from someplace that was almost summer full time..9months..close enough.

Ms Honey. I have dove in a few times.....muff diving a specialty. should be an olympic event

KK Thanks for the comment and the participation.

MS: Tease shots are so much fun..thanks for the compliment....

Alfie" A dream come true..Your wife and my wife and us on a nude beach soaking up the sun.

Sheen: Thanks for your .02 and the comments, both appreciated....

Ms Lilly: We dont keep time here...thanks for stopping by...hell sometimes we do HNT on Wed/or Friday

Mykey: I bet you could I know I have.

Maeve: Glad to see you again, thanks for stopping by.....

Milliscent said...


The poll was great fun, and I'm pleased to read that virtually all your pervy respondents are good groomers!

As for me, I just wonder why nature insists upon putting the hair down there in the first place, so much shaving all the time!

Anonymous said...

What a yummy picture...I'm sorry it has taken me so long to check in.

Gotta love sundresses and the yumminess that is underneath them!

bdenied said...

MsM: Thanks for stopping by. I am also happy that they keep it groomed down there. I also wonder why we even have to have it...I mean as we have evolved we have lost most of it on our bodies......maybe in another thousand years it will be all gone.

SV::: It is yummy and I can assure you its very yummy underneath there too.

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

Grey Owl said...

As much as the tease of this photo, I like the smile that you almost shared with us... More smile please.

Interesting poll... thanks for sharing!

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  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...