Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Saturday night she was going out with girls from the office. They were to meet at a restaraunt and then go to a club where they would listen to some music, drink and do what girls do.

She is not much of a drinker, and she did not want to have even one and drive, so she asked me to drive her downtown and pick her up later...No problem, I really dont want her drinking and driving anyway.

We got there a bit early and stopped into an art shop to look at some paintings we like.....and perhaps to pick up a small gift for someone of the miniture replicas....

After our visit, I walked her down the block to the restaurant and she says," Tell you what, you take off your ring and Ill take off my ring and if the opportunity knocks for either of us we go for it..." sure, why not, I have as much chance as a snowball in hell of some hottie picking me up but why not.

So we did.....well not to disappoint you guys, but nothing happened..I went home, read a book and waited for her to call and she did...I picked her up about 11 and drove her home...she had all of two drinks but still......

In any event it was as they say, the thought that counts.....I'm just happy she was open enough to want to take a chance of getting ;picked up, and had she not been in group of ten women some guy may have ventured over...but hey, even studds know when they are outnumbered.


Lavender Fields said...

there is a lot to said that honesty keeps you close

Miss Honey said...

You never disappoint me dear. :) It was fun that there was potential.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm gonna suggest that the next time I go out with hubby...He needs a date and it would be fun to watch.

You rock!

bdenied said...

Anna: Well put

Miss H: We don't like to disappoint so glad to hear that..thanks

SV: Good Idea.....but in my case I would much rather that she gets laid than me......not that I'd turn down primo pussy such as yours but I just like it and think its hot when she gets hot cock.

Kittie Kate said...

I had to comment on your poll.

I watch the crotch. I just do. I'm a perv.

Kittie Kate said...

People don't think females are perverted but we're hidden pervs.

bdenied said...

KK: Yes, girls are pervy too, but then we really like pervy girls...especially cute pervy ones like you....with hot bodies......glad you are a crotch watcher

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