Monday, April 28, 2008

Spammer comments

Anonymous commenter is leaving links to porn sites on my blog and getting past my spam word verification, and frankly I do not appreciate it. I have now set the comments up for only registered users hoping that might stop this idiot.

If anyone knows how I can remove those comments drop me a line because I cant figure it out. I am sorry that to comment now one will have to register before commenting.


db said...

the same guy is spamming me also

Anonymous said...

these spammers are truly possessed...

Penedictor said...

I saw this morning the comment of the idiot, and one time he coment with his name in other blog, and he have a blog.

Sorry my english now in spanish.

El que comenta poniendo enlaces a páginas de videos pornos falsas tiene un blog. Si quieres te doy la dirección de su blog porque yo he pasado esta mañana.
Para borrar los comentarios que no quieras y no te interesen los puedes borrar pinchando en la papelera que hay junto a cada comentario. Cada uno puede borrar los suyos, y el administrador del blog los comentarios de todos.

bdenied said...

Thanks Hank, Jude and Pene, I appreciate your support, perhaps all of us together can stop the asshole.

Milliscent said...


Sorry to read that they are attacking your blog. I think all you can do is delete them quick and hope they move on.

bdenied said...

Thank you Ms Milliscent. I havent figured out how to delte them. I go but I will....Im afraid they will link to all my blog links and cause havoic there. They seem to bother Hank's site too.

Kittie Kate said...

I don't use blogger, so don't know. My friend hosts it and uses wordpress and it does a good job stopping spammers. We use something called askinet, but that's only with wordpress I think.

Greg and Sheryl said...

It's refreshing to know we aren't the only ones who suffer from this issue. It doesn't happen often, but every now and then we have to delete those comments. They always comment on older posts, thinking we won't notice them, but we get email notification of every comment made to our blog, so the spam never stays for very long.

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