Thursday, April 17, 2008

Boots and Bras for HNT

New boots! New Bra!


Peggy said...


Fantastic - these are cute!!

Blissfully Wed said...

Your wife inspires the naughtiest thoughts in me. Sexy as hell.


db said...

that pic makes my imagination run wild!
if only

sexy boots on a sexy lady

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Oooh, um...I think that your bra has come...ehhem...undone. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Sexy boots too!

Happy Late HNT!

Kittie Kate said...

I love those boots!
I might borrow that idea for a future HNT. ;)

She looks sexy like that!

Happy belated HNT!

bdenied said...

Peggy, thanks, we had fun buying the boots.. A very sexy couple turned us onto the joys of boot wear!!

BW Your comments are always so kind, thank you.

Hank......You should take Peggy out for some new boots.....amazing what nice people you meet who wear them.

Ms Incon....welcome to the blog and thank you for the comment. Hope to see you back

Kittie...Youd look hot in boots too....I would not mind taking your picture!!!

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