Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Posting comments

I was wondering why I have not received any comments to any of the postings and noted that something was turned on that appeared to not allow comments except for registered users. Ithink I got that turned off, or at least I hope I did. I dont find these blogs to be extremely user friendly and I am still learning the ins and outs of this darn thing. Anyone wanting to post who can't should send me email at and let me know. Thanks

1 comment:

Edith said...


Thank you for your kind message . . . and thank you for linking me to your own blog.

We have been reading your blog, and following your links, and it has made us realise that our own situation is actually "very tame" compared to your own.

I could never be as outrageous as many of those links . . . but I hope you do manage to get some interest from reading of my own experiences from time to time.

Thank you again.

P.S. I have just added another entry actually . . . but, as I said, it is very tame when I read some of the others. And when I sent it to your email address it bounced back saying the address was incorrect.

Best wishes - Edith

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