Saturday, May 26, 2007

People Knowing

I was reading some of my favorite postings today and came across one. Although, the couple at this site is not involved in a cuckold relationship: They are involved in an alterntive lifestyle that most in the "straight" world would find uncomfortble or at least not understand. Well on a few occassions they have let it slip that they are involved in a different style of marriage than the conventional. I suppose that is also what I do with this blog. I let people know there are others involved with an alternative marriage such as ours which centers around cuckolding.

I have only let a few people with whom I have a personal relationship know about our marriage. I do not believe I have ever used the word cuckold with them but I think that will have to change. One is a female we know from a nude beach. She knows that my wife has lovers but we have not used the term cuckold. I think that will change as I think that I should tell her that I enjoy being my wifes cuckold husband.

My wife recently told a gay male friend of hers at work that she has a "fuck buddy." This man isa former priest but he did not appear the least shocked and we believe he apparently knew or suspected this anyway.

She has also told a girlfriend that she has a fuck buddy but I am not positive she has used the word cuckold.

One male friend who I also know who has slept with my wife and has taken her to a "swinger" party was actually told that I enjoy being cuckold and she used that term with him and even sent him an article relating to cuckolding.

I think I shall tell our other friend that has spent the night with her in our bed while I was in the guest room that I enjoy the aspect of cuckolding. I want to use that term as I find it quite fits and I like it. I am very happy and very proud to be the cuckold husband of a very hot sexy beautiful wife and if I ever learn how to post a photo of her I will.

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