Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy HNT

a little snow and a little warmth


Autumn said...

woot woot! sexy pics of wifey!

Enchanted Mistress said...

Very sexy! :)

Married Bull said...

A beautiful woman whose pictures get my blood moving to all the right places.

Married Bull said...

A beautiful woman whose pictures get my blood moving to all the right places.

db said...

very sexy
and a very hot ass

Happy New Year!!

Playfully Yours said...

You have a sexy wife...nice pics


Topaz said...

So festive and naughty! HHNT, and Happy New Year!

bdenied said...

Autumn: Oh if only I could photograph both of you two together...Hot

EM: Thank you for the nice compliment....

OS: Good to see you again and thanks for the compliment...

Hank: She smiled when I told her what you had to say....I appreciate your admiration....oh the possibilities...

Playfully: Well thank you. I certainly think so...and a few of her male friends share that opinion. Its nice to hear the compliments from both the ladies and the men

Topaz: Yes, you and she are both festive and naughty

PDXsubcuck said...

Great pictures. I must say that is a beautiful and sexy ass and I love the legs open, so welcoming and sexy! Very inviting!

relevent married guy said...

So sexy! I just love the stockings isn't hard to imagine for a moment, spending an evening at the BD house, and being tempted by this very sexy lady! Thanks! ;)

MyKey said...

Hi BD and Mrs BD.

Those are extremely sexy pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us

rage said...

Hubba Hubba!!!

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