Thursday, July 30, 2009

girls and guns HNT

and just what caught your attention in this photo. or in this one for that matter.....


Autumn said...

first thing i noticed was the gun in her shorts. :)

Spin said...

Me too! Weird?!?!? The fiction novel I'm reading,,,,just read today about some girls learning to shoot.

Texas Ghostrider said...

The nice really sexy gun.........Your guess on who or what I am speaking of.....

13messages said...

Not gonna piss that sexy lady off, that's for sure. ;)

bdenied said...

Autumn: interesting

Spin: So you did too

TG....I can only guess

13: Probably have to agree, never piss off a pussy that is armed...

Emma Kelly said...

Hi bd,

I ain't looking at the guns, that's for damn sure.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

bdenied said...

Scott: And would you care to tell us just what did catch your attention

rage said...

Ohh sexy!!

Milliscent said...

Girls and their guns, always a sexy combination!

PDXsubcuck said...

Actually the shorts, tight in a certain area caught my eyes, then the guns and then the delightful.

I keep saying I'm going to get a black rifle but not yet...that money thing but do have a nice Performance Center 357, might try to get Brandi to pose some time with some of the other toys?

bdenied said...

Rage: Thanks and good to see you out and about...I hope your med problems are resolved in your favor

Ms M....Oh and I bet you'd look so so sexy with a gun pose too....I can just visualize it have me panting

PDX: YOu know the photo that this was taken from really shows off those shorts...seems blogger reduced the image a bit to much

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  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...