Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If it weren't for bad luck there'd be no luck at all

She had a hectic morning at the office and needed a really good hard pussy pounding fuck to calm her down.

She had not heard from her FWB but came home anyway, waited until it was time to go back to the office and left. Not in a particularly good mood. The problem with having a married FWB, is that they tend to be flaky about keeping appointments...Of course when they first meet you, they tell you there is no problem and they have a free schedule.

This is one reason why so many people in our alternative way of doing things demand the guy not be married...Sure conflicts do come up, and we have even had to cancel on him before...But this happens more often than not....

She can not call him, can not email him, so she sits around and waits and waits and wonders why bother.

I wonder who gets more wife....?or me?


Spin said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear things didn't work out. I can understand how upsetting this must be for both of you. It is very hard with married man and not being able to find out why and sit and wonder.

Emma Kelly said...

Hi bd,

Funny, we've had the opposite experience. Em has always fared better with married guys because they were appreciative of a female who wouldn't make emotional demands on them. Sometimes there would be scheduling issues... That's always seemed the big problem for us but we've found single guys much less dependable and emotionally complicated as well.

So far Darius seems like an exception: Single, Mature, and Dependable. Time will tell.

Hope it works out for you all soon.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

db said...

I specialize in hard pussy pounding

Spin said...

Hank, are you offering to help him out?? hehe

Ms. C said...

I have completely given up on married men in the FWB role.

I just find the logistics too difficult. I am not available during working hours and they are not available on evenings or weekends. I also find they want to pick up the phone and have me ready in 15 minutes for a "quickie". My life is too busy for that sort of thing.

And when things fall through, it is very disappointing for both m and I.

rage said...

Sorry things didn't work out... :(

bdenied said...

Spin:Thanks for the sympathy and yeah I think Hank is volunteering.....arent Ya Hank.....

Scott: Glad to hear that as you know....It usually works for us. Ms Catherine has had the opposite experiene and we have had both....I will say, that of the guys she has seen, the most consistent have been the married ones.....

Rage; Thanks but Im just happy your up and about and can even read and post.. Your problems made ours seem small...thanks for the reality check

Anonymous said...

It sucks... hopefully he'll make it up to her soon.

Milliscent said...

Married guys can be perfectly reliable or flakes, single guys exactly the same. It just depends upon the individual.

Stand me up once and I expect something very good in return. Stand me up twice and that is the end of things.

If you are 'nice' about being stood up, it just creates a monster.

relevent married guy said...

I don't think that it is a married v. single thing. It seems that in the "only for sex" world in which Ally plays with the occasional fuckbuddy, life's obligations occasionally interfer with play time. It does upset her when it occurs on occasion, but I think it just goes with the terriory.

bdenied said...

MSC" Sorry did not mean to snub you. I was tryng to think of something to say...I came to the conclusion that I really had no comment....I can understand your feelings.

I think RMG: more or less says what I was thinking and

Milliscent also has a valid point

too.....I suppose its just life

and we have to play the cards we
are dealt. I do appreciate all the comments

"ME" really expresses my sucks.....thanks Me

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