Sunday, December 21, 2014

I just love this picture as it says so much.  It is true that they (women do control our zippers) well we can pull the zipper down and we can flop our best friend out but if he is going to get any attention....well that is usually up to in effect they do control our zippers.. Especially for those of us who are cuckolds or who relish the idea of tease and denial.  Well for certain that is me on both accounts.

We haven't had much activity lately.  It does seem to come in flurries and we had a real flurry not so long ago.  Hopefully things might pick up.  I do love it so much when she gets strange cock in that lovely little snatch of hers. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014


I was on some other sites the other day just lurking and reading the postings.  One rather stuck out and it involved other people knowing of your kinks and interests.

Now the post was not talking about people in the "Lifestyle" it was talking about other friends, relatives etc.

As a guy, and most guys can relate to this, guys just don't talk about these things.  When we are teens we may brag about our conquests. "I fucked Ms hot panties" or "You know Janine, she goes down like a submarine."  even when it's not true....we have to do this so that others think we are getting laid and we are macho sometimes, shocking as it is we lie through our teeth having fucked only the palm of our dominant hand.

I do not recall ever, ever speaking to a married buy about his sex life.  Once a long time ago when I was still single, I asked my best friend who was about a year into his marriage if his wife liked him going down on her.  He was very offended and said he does not talk about what he and the wife do in I have never broached the subject again. 

In my first marriage I spoke to a female co-worker about the lack of sexual intimacy in my marriage.  Really, I did so because frankly I was hoping for a sympathy fuck but it was not to be...but she did suggest I perform oral on the wife which I did anyway on the few times we actually did have sex.

But after my encounter with my best friend I never again mentioned any sexual activity with another male regarding marital sex.

Men will often joke with other men about masturbation.  They may say, Poor Richard is so horny he has to jerk off all the time to which Poor Richard will reply that he gets more pussy than a gynecologist.  Talk about kink...nah not so much..

I have spoke to other men in the "alternate lifestyle" they know I am a cuckold, I have no problem with chatting with them or with other women...but if you think I am telling my best friend that my wife fucks other men...folks think again..I almost did so once with a good friend who is now unfortunately not living having passed at a young age because of cancer...I could tell my wife had the hots for him and would fuck him given the chance...she flirted like an unabashed slut with him but it went over his head.  I came very close to telling him but since we were also co-workers thought better of it.

Now my wife has told one of her good girlfriends that she has a fuck buddy.  She has even mentioned him in front of me to her girlfriend and she has told her fuck buddy she likes to engage in tease and denial with me.....I'm cool with that and as a matter of fact would like her to tell the girl friend she is into tease and denial with me....

Now the strange thing is that at the same job where my best friend worked  was a girl who I flirted with all the time.  Just as we were leaving the State and moving away I took her to lunch.  She was just beginning to know my wife and they were friends having gone shopping a few times.  I told this girl that my wife has a boyfriend and that we go to nude beaches etc...she is a good girl who is dying to become a naughty the way I think she was or at least did want to fuck my best friend so in some small sense of the world he contributed to me being a cuckold.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The cuckolding continues

She is on her way to meet him tonight.  She had to drive about an hour and half as she had to leave during rush hour traffic.

He kept texting her whinning that he needed her to suck his dick and swallow his cum.

So she put on a nice little dress, no panties and headed out. Of course she played with my cock and left me with a hard on before she left so all I have to do now is write this.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Smell Of Skin Lingers On Me

by Mrs.  bdenied

It is now evening.  Today I was fortunate enough to get some more cuckold time with my favorite guy.   He lives out of town, and this is the second time in a few weeks we have been able to get together. Lucky me! There have been times we do not get together for a year...oh, he always has continued to call to hear that female voice so he can get himself off.  But the get togethers are catch-as-catch-can.

Unlike last time where I had to kick hubby out of the house , this time he had already left for work.   Hubby left for work with a hard on knowing what would transpire: Then my guy came over for some good old fashioned fucking.   I picked him up with a ready to go hard on.  While driving down the highway, he fingered me, then unwrapped the vibrating dildo he had taken out of his bag to have me out up my cunt.  It worked...he was thrilled..."that makes you come fast, doesn't it?" ( he still always asks...did you come? Are you coming?) . It had to stop due to too many high profile vehicles in the morning traffic. 

Once home, he dropped his bag, promptly stripped off his clothes. I was standing over by the couch and watched...he was back lit, so I could see the hard on in his pants, then when the pants came off, there was the silhouette  of his body with a dick sticking straight out., Quite a turn on for me.

He came over & sat back on the couch, spread his legs so his balls were all splayed and dick sticking straight up. He had me take off my dress & asked me to turn around. Then he had me back up onto him...his cock entered and filled up my cunt.  Wow, what a feeling....then, take charge guy that he is, asked me to turn around & face him. He pulled my legs up around him and we fucked some more...but he did not want to come just yet.

Then he lead me into the bedroom saying I was such a dirty whore, fucking him in my husband's house, fucking on his bed. He laid me down, moved my legs to & fro and  he gave me a good pussy pounding.  Then he pulled out & shot all over my stomach. it came up to my chin.

Then back to the couch after cleaning up. He laid there quietly...half asleep.  I sat on floor next to him & held his balls.   I leaned over & put my face against his neck, taking in the smells of him.  Then down his chest to his hard again  cock and gave it a soft sucking,   We already knew this would be a "fuck & run" since he had someplace to after about half an hour he said he had to go.   He got up to get dressed and we had a  hug.  We got dressed, and that's it.

I drove him back to his car so he could get back home.   As I drove home, I could still smell him all around me. I put my elbow to my nose, and the smell was lingering there very strongly, and he was on his way back home.  His shave lotion and body smells from a hot fucking can linger a long time.   When hubby came home, I told him about the experience. I could barely smell the odor any longer, but hubby said, yes, he could smell another man on me.   

It was a good day, and hubby was very turned on at my exploits.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Rainy weekends

The guy she blew at our party emailed and wanted to meet us at a nude beach near where we live.  We agreed and toady we were supposed to meet and then who knew what.  Well a front is moving through at its and ugly day so we cancelled since he is a two hour drive and no sense driving over...we did give him the option of coming over but I think he felt that would put him on the spot to need for him to feel pressure.

I of course would love to see him fuck her and or get another blow job and perhaps this time splash cum all over her.....more so than last time.

In any event her number one fuck bud is supposed to be coming to town this week and we have heard from number two also...In case they read this number one means she met him first and number two was met second...she loves fucking them both and it would be a toss up to who gets top billing...Maybe number one but only because she sees him more often and in risker places.

But for me I get to watch number two where I have never met number one.  So its either feast or famine.

More later when it happens..if it happens

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday Adventures of Mrs bdenied

By Mrs. B Denied

What a day!  I have a F* Buddy I see from time to time. Well, today was one of them. 
I was informed he would be in town today, a Saturday & wanted to come to our place.  Hubby usually does not work Saturday, but I told him my buddy was coming to town...which means I kick hubby out of the house for a few hours.  The 2 have never met, and Buddy wants no part of a 3 some or even just meeting hubby. He knows Hubby knows & is skittish about it, but does not stop him from playing with me or calling me when his need arises. 

I was texted the time & place for p/u the night before.  I could tell by his texts & what he wanted to do to me he must be angry with his wife...again. We are just buddies, so whatever he says, he really does not mean. It is all a game. He never would hurt me.  If I show any inclination of not wanting something, he backs right off.  He cannot even hold my hands down when he does me on the bed, so he is no threat to me. All talk.  

Sent hubby on his way to work on a Saturday, which he does not usually do.   I got ready as hubby for my rendezvous, him for work. 

I got to the place about 5 minutes before Buddy arrived. Perfect.  I hand him the keys to the car & sat in passenger side as usual. He pointed at his crotch...he had a raging hard on, and a wet spot on his pants! He is usually so meticulous, I fretted about his pants getting was OK. he brought some shorts to change into for later.  He was so excited, he had a surprise for me...he bought a vibrating dildo to use on me! He was so excited at trying out his new toy he could hardly contain himself.

Instead of just fingering me & getting me off as we drove up the very wild highway here....he stuck the vibrating dildo up me & turned it on. WOW!  he could tell it was like an instant orgasm!  He moved it around, and in & out to observe my reactions.  Then, unzipped his pants & I leaned over & put his dick in my mouth...which is a usual occurrence. But he was fixated on his new toy. All the way home I had this thing up my twat..I turned the vibrator off when it got to be too much, but left it there. He kept looking at it & would move it around from time to time. He was fascinated. 

Once home, he still had a raging very visible hard on...he said he wanted to rape me as soon as we got in the door & I should "resist". So I dropped everything & locked the door. down came his pants, turned me around and put his cock in me, then flattened  me against the door and was going at it pretty hard. I feigned being scared..Oh, my, don't do that! Oh My!   (but the game felt so good!)   He said this is so bad, fucking another man's wife at his front door.

But he did not want to come yet. Marvelous control.  He lead me to the couch where I had to suck his cock, then it was to the bedroom...we went at it pretty hard, then he pulled pout & came all over my stomach. Round One.  Back to the couch where after about a half an hour, BOING. Ready to go again...Round 2...that was it. He slept for while, then drove back to where he needed to be.

I guess he really wanted to defile someone...first "raping" me at the door, then spewing cum all over my stomach.    Must be angry at his wife and "takes it out" on me.   Yes, he has a wife...but it is not her he calls when on the road to get off. It is my pussy he keeps coming back to...

That is our "arrangement". I would never do anything to compromise his life in any way. Never call him or text. But we sure have fun when we  hook up!  I love my husband, and this is the perfect cuckold arrangement for him.  When I got home, hubby was already home (I texted him to let him know coast was clear) he had a big hard on! So, if I had any doubts whether he likes me having a F* Buddy, that is how he shows it! 

So. Like I said. What a day! As you can see for yourself

Friday, October 31, 2014

Perhaps lets hope

There may be a cuckolding experience in store for tomorrow or this weekend...damn I need for it to happen,...lets hope anyway

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It's Lulls Like this

This is the hard part of blogging. Nothing going on. Nothing to report. Maybe something in the works with guy from party but might not happen for a few weeks.

Other than we went to the nude beach this weekend and had some email chat with the guy from the party...its dead around here

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Speaking of contacts

Got a very interesting comment from someone who signed in as way to contact him but if there was we sure would like to explore that was deleted so the rest of you can't see it...sorry but that's life in the big city!!

Contact from the Party

Got an email today from the hostess of the party we wrote about.  Apparently, the gentleman whose cock got sucked by this lovely lady to the right wants to meet us again.  Perhaps we will and a good place would be the setting you see.
This is actually a clothing optional beach but she wanted this photo which is somewhat edited for her girl friend....

Oh! stop trying to look up her skirt....all you would see is a nicely shaved pussy!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Exposed at a dinner party

Last night we went to a birthday dinner party for a neighbor.  We were introduced to a couple that only lives a few doors away but we had never met them.

The seating was done by placement cards and was the traditional boy girl....His wife was quite cute being of Asian decent. He a bit older but not a bad looking man. 

My wife was seated to his right and he occupied a head spot at our table.  He is quite tall, probably six two or three.  As my wife leaned a bit to speak to his wife, I noticed the sun dress was loose around her cute breasts.  Her husband had an excellent view of her lovely 34 almost B breasts.

I had all kinds of fantasies of her being fucked by him.....with this couple I don't think that will ever happen, but it was a nice fantasy.

I love it when she is exposed as it really turns me on......

So what does the photo have to do with the story...Nothing I just like her exposure and the panties say it all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Before just before the party!!

So month before, my lovely lady left me at home to jerk off while she spent the night in a hotel with her boyfriend, he happened to be in town on a Saturday.  He was staying at a hotel near the Miami airport, and was flying out late that afternoon.

So I drove her to the hotel, and parked our.  She goes into the hotel and I see her get on the elevator.

I stay down stairs very excited and somewhat nervous.  I am bored so I go and grab a soda from the gift shop.

Then I realize I have this really great new android phone that is about the seize of  a brick.  I open the internet and find my favorite blog.  "Musing of an Incidental Hot Wife."

Sometimes I think it is so close to our situation that my wife is the author but we know she is not.
I start reading this fabulous lady's posting and Im getting hornier and hornier from reading and knowing Wife is upstairs getting her hot cunt fucked silly.

Two hours later she texts saying she is on the way down...and we have to leave quickly.  I have on cargo shorts ( the short kind not the long ones) and my cock is rock hard and sticking out not hindered by the underwear I was not wearing.

We drive back home while she tells me about their fuck and him cumming twice in her and her sucking his cock but he was spent and although hard could not cum a third time.

I get played with on the way home, we stop for lunch and I still have half a hard on. 
We got home........and no pussy for me Saturday or Sunday, although I got her off by mouth on Sunday...she would not let me near her pussy on Saturday and when she took off her panties I could smell his cum in her.....totally denied and totally cuckolded!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Just before the Party

So, in my last post I spoke about a party we had attended.  That party was on Saturday night.  On the Wednesday prior, my wife drove to Miami, and spent the night in a hotel with her number one fuck buddy.  They had several fucks during the course of the evening according to her, with him cumming in pussy three times.  The last being in the morning when they woke up and he took her again.

She has been seeing  him for about eleven years now.  I have never met him or spoken to him.  She has no intention of ever letting me watch them, or be a part of their relationship.

I of course spent the night alone, I watch a lot of cuckold videos on Tube Stack and  this was one of the few times I masturbated to a  finish.

I had to go to work the next morning, so I did not see her again until about 6 pm when I came home.

She told me some of the details but with him I get very few, just that they had fucked, he dumped three loads into her and her pussy was worn out.  I told her I jerked off last night and she said, it was the only sex I was getting.  Remember we went to that party Saturday and now you know why I use the name bdenied.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Last Encounter-New Horizons

I have been promising this post but was holding off hoping to have generated some comments on the photos...I am a bit disappointed there was only one.....One of the reasons the blog was shut down for so long was because of lack of comments and readership dropping off. I suppose TUMBLR had a lot to do with that since its a picture blog and does not require much to do except look.... In any event here is our last encounter.  The third of three recent ones....

We went to a party in a town about a four hour drive.  A party held in a hotel.  We have known the host/hostess for years and this is an event the hold almost weekly.

We arrived at 7pm, and about twenty others were there... They ranged in age from  30-60. Single men, single women and couples like us.  My wife brought a photo album of photos we had taken...two of those photos are posted...The third is in this post.

After introductions of people.  with them saying what they were into and desired, everyone got naked. or at least the ladies got into sexy lingerie.

Lots of different sexual activity took place.  We were near a couple.  He was a big guy, she was dressed in a tight hot white dress....very short and revealing.  They stood next to a young single guy was masturbating  while everyone was watching  a guy seriously  fucking one of the regular single ladies.  Suddenly, the Hottie in  white dropped to her knees, took the masturbators hard cock and sucked him off in about two minutes flat and she swallowed almost every drop with just a little dribbling onto her chin.

I wont detail every thing that went on but hottie in white got her self off in another room with an electric vibe and a guy giving her shaved cunt a real going over with his tounge.

My wife mentioned she might like to give another young single guy blow job, but he seemed to have disappeared.  About thirty minutes after Ms Hottie sucked the young guy off and got herself off, I was on a massage table being teased by three ladies.....I had several non ejaculatory orgasms and when I got off the table, my wife had found who she mentioned earlier and she was assuming the same position as Ms Hottie in white and the results were the same...he blasted a heavy load into her mouth but she got much more on her face than did the other lady.....I got to sit on  a bed and watch my lovely lady devour a nice looking fat cock....

The rest of the night is rather unimportant but know this.....other than a non ejaculatory orgasm from a teasing massage I did not get a blow job, hand job or pussy.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

This is just a tease:  Soon we will write about a few recent experiences:

Her great ass has returned

The blog is back up and Open

I will once again post some experiences on the blog.  Cuckolding has been taking place and we have had a good time with it lately.

I will post some new photos too........and will most likely update my blog list as I know several are no longer open........

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...