Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Last Encounter-New Horizons

I have been promising this post but was holding off hoping to have generated some comments on the photos...I am a bit disappointed there was only one.....One of the reasons the blog was shut down for so long was because of lack of comments and readership dropping off. I suppose TUMBLR had a lot to do with that since its a picture blog and does not require much to do except look.... In any event here is our last encounter.  The third of three recent ones....

We went to a party in a town about a four hour drive.  A party held in a hotel.  We have known the host/hostess for years and this is an event the hold almost weekly.

We arrived at 7pm, and about twenty others were there... They ranged in age from  30-60. Single men, single women and couples like us.  My wife brought a photo album of photos we had taken...two of those photos are posted...The third is in this post.

After introductions of people.  with them saying what they were into and desired, everyone got naked. or at least the ladies got into sexy lingerie.

Lots of different sexual activity took place.  We were near a couple.  He was a big guy, she was dressed in a tight hot white dress....very short and revealing.  They stood next to a young single guy was masturbating  while everyone was watching  a guy seriously  fucking one of the regular single ladies.  Suddenly, the Hottie in  white dropped to her knees, took the masturbators hard cock and sucked him off in about two minutes flat and she swallowed almost every drop with just a little dribbling onto her chin.

I wont detail every thing that went on but hottie in white got her self off in another room with an electric vibe and a guy giving her shaved cunt a real going over with his tounge.

My wife mentioned she might like to give another young single guy blow job, but he seemed to have disappeared.  About thirty minutes after Ms Hottie sucked the young guy off and got herself off, I was on a massage table being teased by three ladies.....I had several non ejaculatory orgasms and when I got off the table, my wife had found who she mentioned earlier and she was assuming the same position as Ms Hottie in white and the results were the same...he blasted a heavy load into her mouth but she got much more on her face than did the other lady.....I got to sit on  a bed and watch my lovely lady devour a nice looking fat cock....

The rest of the night is rather unimportant but know this.....other than a non ejaculatory orgasm from a teasing massage I did not get a blow job, hand job or pussy.


EDAS said...

Sounds like a great evening. And you did not get to ejaculate, which is really how things should be: the man not orgasming while the women have all the orgasms they want.

Though you do speaking of a non-ejaculatory orgasm for yourself. But is this really the same -- i.e. as pleasurable -- as a real orgasm?

bdenied said...

it is a real orgasm and the difference is that one can be ready for another...there is no recovery's a little known fact that an orgasm can occur just a moment before ejaculation and an ejaculation is not always an orgasm...surely you have heard the term "ruined orgasm."

EDAS said...

Yes, I have heard of ruined orgasms. I have had a few myself, but I must admit that I don't like them. I prefer not to orgasm, to tell you the truth. I would even say that I do not like orgasming. I just like being brought to the edge -- time and time again in one session.

Dan said...
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"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...