Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy HNT

Just a glimpse..........a brief peek.......omg....there is nipple showing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


rage said...

Peek-a-boo!!! Happy HNT!

db said...

I just wish those where my hands

HHNT guys

bdenied said...

Rage> I now know you are feeling better....Happy HNT to you

Hank: Did the big day happen? Ill pass along your comment

Enchanted Mistress said...

Such a tease! Very nice HNT..=)

curiousgirl said...

hehehe...this reminds me of the "indian nipple song"

"come see me eat nipple" lol


13messages said...

She makes my night. HHNT!

Alfie said...

Lovely photo!

Spin said...

Very sexy

bdenied said...

everyone...I will respond to each of you but it was a long day and just got home....working tomorrow morning so maybe tomorrow afternoon...thanks everyone

bdenied said...

Enchanted: Tease??? I think that is her middle name....she loves to tease me anyway...guess I like being teased too

CG: I havent had time to listen to the nipple song but will after I write these notes

Alfie: The photo is not as lovely as she and I am not the photographer that you are so some day Id love for you to photograph her for me...You just have to come for a visit sometime

Spin'''sexy is something you two have in common.

MyKey said...

Sorry for the late post, but been meaning to say for a while...

What a lovely pair!

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...