Monday, January 12, 2009

Warrior Radar

by Ms bdenied

Hmm. Since the move to another state I don't get to connect with my former Fantasy Man much any longer. The distance may prove insurmountable to get together phsyically, but it has not stopped him from calling from time-to-time when the need arises for a woman's soft voice to help him through his "hard" times.

I have found a new stud to hook up with which has been a lot of fun. Since the New Mr Stud doesn't get the opportunity with any regularity I take the fun whenever it comes along and the spontaneity has been fun. However , the last time, I had to forgo seeing him due to work issues, and this weekend I was feeling under the weather & did not see him when he called.

I have noticed in the time since I have moved to our new location....the prior Fantasy Guy seems to have a certain radar.....whenever the new guy calls, I have come to know that Fantasy Man WILL call that day or within a day of hearing from the New Stud. I have chosen NOT to tell former Fantasy Guy that I have found a new Stud. Former Fantasy Man has no idea I am seeing a new Stud....I find it a fascinating coincidence that when I hear from the New Stud the Former guy calls. Is his Sperm Radar on high alert at all times?


Anonymous said...

I need to re-read the blog but missed it.

Where is home now?

Lavender Fields said...

I think something must happen.I find if i get close with a new man all of a sudden all my old ex's start to contact me LOL.
It's either famine or feast.

bdenied said...

Ronald I think we have discussed this issue.

Anna: Yeah I know the feeling....I once called a girl who I knew in college and she said if I had called her back then we would have been an item.

Emma Kelly said...

Hi Mrs. bd,

I'm not one to go all new-agey about ESP and such but I do feel that we are all connected in ways that we can't consciously perceive.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

bdenied said...

Scott: I think you are right on with this observation and that is why she wrote the post....there is something, we are not sure what but it is a connection....

rage said...

Guys have a thing for sensing out stuff like that.

bdenied said...

Rage: Yes, they certainly seem too

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...