Thursday, January 8, 2009

Temptation HNT

Oh for the days of summer......Looking pretty.....being tempted...would you?


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd definitely be tempted!


db said...

I am so tempted!!
would Ms bdenied like me to keep my hat on or off?

bdenied said...

Swingerwife: Thank you I think she could tempt an angle......

Hank: I have it on good authority that the hat should definitely come off......

Alfie said...

Pink is a favourite colour with most of us. This picture shows why.

bdenied said...

Alfie: I agree...its not as vampy as red, nor as innocent as white.....

13messages said...

I am, at the moment, absolutely tempted. She's so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Very, very tempted

Anonymous said...

Very pretty indeed.

rage said...

Oh and by the pool and everything...who could resist!

Milliscent said...

Great fun in the sun, you have started a longing for summer!

bdenied said...

Marianne: Thank you and for the nice compliment

Rage: Yes she is tempting

MsM: and to think it was a very cool day.....the headlights were definitely on...

Kittie Kate said...

By the pool or in the pool? ;)

bdenied said...

Kittie Kate: Yes, most you have my fantasies in high gear

MyKey said...

Yes I would! Id even let you watch :)

bdenied said...

MYKEY::: You are so generous...

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...