Saturday, January 17, 2009

Radar Returns

Our last post was written by her and involved what seems to be a sense that guys get when she is contacted by a fuck buddy, one of her other or older fuck buddies always seems to call or get in touch with her.

This week she was called early Monday moring by her old flame whom she has not had much contact since we moved. He called her again Friday morning and amazingly, her new guy contacted her later the same day and wanted to get with her one day next week...She gladly accepted his offer. I think she is more than looking forward to screwing him and is looking forward to a really good pussy drilling. The last time he came over she had to head back to the office. (I wrote about that) and then he wanted to get with her but she was not feeling well....I had to take her to the Doc's to get some meds because she was up half the night coughing and sneezing......and when she doesn't feel well she is definitely not horny..

Well she is feeling much better now and almost 100% over her bug...she started playing with me the other night, and managed to keep me erect for about two hours before she just put my friend back and we went to sleep...same thing last night I'm wondering if I'm going to get any pussy before he does her next week....I actually havent had any this year yet......last time I came was three days after Christmas....although she hasn't said anything, I'm wondering if she is going to limit me to twleve cums a year which is what our poll revealed most of the men and women who responded remains to be seen....and sometimes I even wonder if when her guy calls he doesnt ask her to not give me any until he has a chance to make his seems other guys don't want any cum in their pussies before they get theirs inserted....any thoughts?


jude said...

Aaahhh...sounds like your heading for some blissful denial very soon...
Of course you will not be leaving anything in her sweet spot before they enjoy themselves.


Kittie Kate said...

I could use some good pussy drilling right now. :)

I'll have to ask my guy friends if they can fuck a chick that has cum already in her pussy. I'll see what they say.

rage said...

I think most guys wouldn't want to fuck someone who already has someone else's cum in them.

If I were a guy, I wouldn't.

bdenied said...

Jude: You may be onto something

Kittie Kate: hmmm so you could use a good pussy drilling too.....Im sure it could be arranged....and please do ask you guy friends, I'd be interested to hear what they say

Rage: Im very happy you are not a guy...and it has nothing to do with your view on cum in the pussy......but I probably agree with your assesment....but Im damn glad you are a girl...

rage said...

I'm glad I'm a girl too!

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...