Sunday, January 14, 2024

A cuckolding event

 This morning my lovely wife is going to cuckold me with her long time guy.  I will leave the house, he will come in and he will fuck her and he will leave.

I shaved her yesterday because she asked me too so that she could be ready the way he likes her. I got to get her off with my mouth but my dick is not permitted inside her pussy the day before she is to have his cock in her. 

After he confirmed that he was coming over this morning, I said, "Well its a good thing I did not fuck you today isnt it. ?  She said, "Yes, no pussy for you the day before,"m and then added "or the next day either."  I said, "I guess that means no pussy for me," and she said, "You guess right!"  Somehow that is erotic as hell.

Last night we were out listening to our favorite band and she told me what he wants to do to her today and how he wants it done and this is what happened when she told me.  I wont tell you because I think she will want to share that in a post of her own but this was the result of what he is going to do to her.  It's obvious I approve.

1 comment:

vanessachaland said...

Looking forward to an update. And by "update" I really mean, details about...what went "up" her during her "date". :)

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