Friday, February 20, 2009

Poll Results

Well the results are in. I shall summarize: I will leave the photos up for another day or so in order for you who were or are interested to take a look and compare the results.

As I suspected, although I did not get many comments: No two was the most favored penis. It to me at least appears to be the largest of the four. Size does matter.

Number four was the next favorite and had a good proportion of length and girth. Number three came in third and although it appears to not be long does have some girth. Number four was last on the list of favorites and first on the list of non favorites.

I ran the poll with likes and dislikes as a check and balance and both polls reflected pretty much the same order.

I only received two comments concering hariness, one not minding it and one preferring it to have no hair. My guess was that those who picked number one as their favorite did so because of its lack of pubic forrest.

Those who picked number one least favorite may have chosen the opposite reasons although no one said so.

So to the more than 85 pepople who responded, I do so appreciate it.

Soon their may be more news on the cuckolding front to report but as of now all is quite.


Married Bull said...

Can you leave them up for at least the next week? I sent the link to a lady and she won't get a chance to see them until mid to late next week.


Ms. Inconspicuous said...

I'm glad you left them up--I didn't get a chance to see them before.

This is my belated vote for #4. :)

bdenied said...

OS thanks I left them up for a while for you.

Ms I thanks for commenting and stopping by

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