Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Disturbing news from Blogger

 It seems this blog has run afoul of Blogger censorship.  I have been notified that a couplel of my older posts have been unpublished because of either malware or violation of terms of service.

One old post which was actually a repost from an old blog called Sugasm and title Sugasm 151 was removed for that they tell me was malware. I have no idea what they are talking about because I never saw anything like that when I republished it.  Perhaps someone at some time inserted some. I am not even sure that Sugasm blogs exists anylonger.

Alos apparetnly some one does not like my content and has complained. I do not monetize this blog and it is free for those to read  or not read.  There is a warning that it contains adult content and that should give the moral police ample reason to pass it up but in todays concel culture someone is always feeling the need to censor. This blog is not for kids and I dont want kids reading it.  I think now somone that wants to see it has to verify their age and I am fine with that.

I do not think it is pornographic those it contains images of sexual acts, ejaculations, etc, but I really feel it falls into the definition of content that has redeeming qualities and is educational for those interested in the subject of sex, sexuality, cuckolding, hot wifing or alternative  adult consensual relationships.  If you are offended by sex, you are offended and noting I can or will do will limit that. You can call me what you want but just know that is not going to prevent contenct like mine from being published, talked about or debated.  No one is forcing you to do what we do and we do not put in it your face.  Just move on please if you dont like it. You can even leave a comment if you dont like it.  You wont offend me even If I offend you.  Here is a message for you if you are offended... Be offended I dont much care if you are or are not.  


vanessachaland said...

It seems to me that on a rotating basis, Google bots randomly target a few particular blogs, then move on. It makes no sense, but it's happened to me and so many others.

bdenied said...

@Vanessachaland Thanks for that information. I do appreciate it.

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