Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cuckolding and Anniversaries

Well again I played the cuckold husband. Her FWB arrived at about 10AM. He is her "Cowboy"

She had gotten up, showered, put on make up and slipped into a little lacy lingerie top and no bottom. It was just barely long enough to cover her freshly shaved pussy and barely short enough to cover part of her cute little ass.

She asked me to make coffee and I did and while we were waiting for it to brew, the doorbell rang. I asked her if she wanted me to get it but she leaped up with a huge grin and just darted for the door.

I heard him enter and from the sounds he made, he was impressed with her outfit. Sounded as if they kissed.....Finally he came into the family room, and we sat down. I got us all coffee and we chatted for awhile.

She splayed her legs over his legs and for the first time he actually touched her in front of me. He had his hand on her thigh. He is a big guy and she is very petite and she just glowed as he touched her. She was enjoying this for sure. I was too, I loved watching him touch her and unbeknownest to them I was wishing she would start sucking his cock but that was not to happen.

Finally, she gave him the hint and the two jumped off the couch and headed for the bedroom hand in hand while I sat on the couch...No "see ya later either." They were into each other big time.

After a minute I headed down the hallway to eves drop but could not hear much and I assumed (correctly I later learned) that she was sucking his cock.

After close to an hour they emerged. She was now dressed in every day clothing. The three of us headed for the kitchen and I got us each a can of cola. We chatted for a while, mundane stuff. He is going to Europe next week and we agreed to get together after he returns to look at pictures etc....They have some very similar interests and I suggested he take her along on excursions to those interests..

After he left she and I did some errands, ate lunch and spent the day with each other. I did not get any sex from her and get this.....Just before we got married she had suggested that we not have sex for a couple of weeks prior to our wedding to make it hotter on the big day. I agreed, it worked and it was actually what spawned her sharing my interest in tease/denial and chastity games. I believe I have written about this before.

In any event, she as we sat on the same couch they had been on earlier, she said, "You know you had sex last night ( I remember getting her off and being teased but I suppose that is "having sex) and I had sex this moring. (yeah definitely) so lets wait till our anniversary like we did before we got married" I of course agreed without begging for a cum today, since I suspected she would rather I wait....Our anniversary is more than a week away. I will make it, I always do, but the erections last night kept me up most of the night and I am still sporting them this another week plus of no cumming for the Cuckold careful what you wish for it may come true.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My reward 2?

In about an hour the the cuckolding event will begin. Last night I got her prepared by shaving her pussy...I did get to bring her off orally, which is always fun and rewarding for me.

After I got her off, we laid in bed and she played with me cock and balls for about an hour. I was very turned and and on the brink of cumming several times when she would either squeeze him to stop the explosion or just remove her hand and let him twitch until the urge subsided and there was no danger of spillage.

For those of you who think I dont like ejaculating, you could not be more mistaken...but I enjoy her teasing just as much if not more and the fact that she controls when I'll cum is very erotic. In any event after a while of playing, she just said, "This is just for play, we have company tomorrow." What she meant is that what I got is what I was going to get and no more. Part of me wanted her to continue and part of me was glad she did not and right now as I write this, my buddy is standing at attention trying to poke through the cargo shorts I am wearing. I most likely will be in this state until later today. I'll let you know

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My reward??

I am often asked what I get out of the relationship as a cuckold. Well I always wonder why someone asks that question because to me it is so evident.

But in any event I get a lot of enjoyment from her having sex with other men. I will write more about that at a bit later date because I believe that last week I was once again cuckolded by her and tomorrow it is going to happen again.

I mean I am a cuckold husband every day because it only has to happen once to be a cuckold but since it happens every now and then It is like the status is being renewed...I like that...constant re-enforcement of the status. It gets me sexually excited to even think about it.

We have not heard from the guy who took the photos...She thinks he might be upset with her....I dont know why but she thinks that. She tends to internalize things too much...In any event we dont have the photos....I will write more later. but for now I anxiously await my new cuckolding...Or at least my renewed cuckold status.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


By Mrs B-Denied

As it usually happens in many walks of life--things come either all at once or very long periods of time between. This was FEAST WEEK for me. They just seem to know. Keep in mind, it had already been pre-arranged that Spyman was flying into my town for 2 days...July 20th & flying back July 21. Here is a brief timeline:


July 18, 6:30PM. (Cowboy, who I have not heard f rom in a month) Text: Hello, just wanted to let you know I am now working afternoons. (which means he would come over around dinner time for a "ride") I text back this week is very busy, how about next week?

July 20, 10:17AM (jetjockey #2 who I have not heard from in months--he was overseas) phone call--Hi! I'm back! What have you been up to? I would like to stop by and see you. (me:) Well, welcome home. I would love to see you-am busy today & tomorrow, and have lunch with a girlfriend Thursday....(HIM): Oh. Well, I'll call you in the next week or 2 and try & get together.

July 20, 10:45AM Now taking shower to get ready to go meet Spyman:: Spyman calls. Hubby hands me the phone--I take the call dripping wet because I was IN the shower when he called. He wants to be sure today is the day--he is boarding the plane to fly out here--yup! See you later!

After the plane lands, Spyman calls & I go to his hotel. He walks down to greet me & takes me upstairs. He is very tall, and I stand on tiptoes to kiss him and his powerful arms surround me in a big hug. I take my clothes off...he smiles. When he goes to get some ice, I put on an itty bitty lingerie piece that he had sent to me & greet him lying on the bed when he gets back. He smiles...he has me pose for some photos (he promised hubby he'd take some shots & send to him...just to say, hey, I fucked your wife for real!) He is a retired Navy Submarine commander(before he was in his 2nd career with the government), and he "commanded" me for the next hour or so--Needless to say,he likes going down on a girl and that is exactly what he did for quite some time. Then we laid next to each other just luxuriating in each other's body--he kept remarking how soft my skin is and how young I look. He could not keep his hands from stroking me all over...he liked the softness.

We stopped momemtarily and he went to get a drink of water, and wouldn't you know it...

July 20 5:17PM (my fav jet jockey #1 called) I took the call--am I available he asked? Sorry, no, I am sitting here having dinner with friends. Oh...Ok, don't call back he says! ( sounded like he was home & wife was at grocery store or something & he wanted to skype real quickly???) bad dog! LOL

Then I was treated to a wonderful steak dinner complete with my favorite NY cheesecake for dessert at a nice restaurant....being full, we went back to the hotel where he picked me up & "threw" me on the bed--he went downtown again. We laid side by side for a while & I softly stroked him into a hard-on and he fucked me, slow & steady until he came. Then we drifted off to sleep.

JULY 21 9:45AM TEXT from Cowboy: sure, we can get togther next week..but he wanted to let me know he is available in the MORNING, not dinner time. I text back while spyman is out of the room, OK, any morning next week is OK.

July 21 After a breakfast at the hotel, where the waitress thinks we are married. Spyman was up at the buffet & waitress asked me if my husband would like some coffee( I wanted to say, I don't know, he is not here!)

Spyman had to get the 8:30 shuttle to the airport to fly back home. I left at 8:15 & was home by 8:30.

WHAT A WEEK! & I have a feeling it's not over yet, unless jetjockey #1 & 2 have their noses out of joint for being put off! I hope not!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It happens again

She is at a hotel and I am here...I am here typing this about her cuckolding me. You will have to wait if you want any details because she wont be back tonight.

The life of the cuckold husband

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update of No posts

Things have been quite. Very quite. We went away for the4th. Got some beach time in.

I heard from some good friends who attended a party in Florida......His wife is a hot wife and she took on several guys. My own bride has not had any encounters since her last postings, but she has had several phone sessions with her guy.

They have tried to Skype but have had some technical difficulties. We expect some movement along the hot wife cuckold front sometime later this month...

Until then not really much to write about. I have had some neck pain, we think from carrying luggage all over the airport...I have been on some meds to ease it.

What a boring post....I think Ill end it before I bore myself to death.

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...