Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sleeper Cell (phone)

Mrs B.Denied again here---

Like I said--what a lousy call girl I would be for real! After those couple days where former F**** Buddy kept texting & calling--the very next night I thought for sure I would not hear from him--he must have been VERY horny, because when I got up in the morning--there was a MISSED TEXT from 11:30PM the night before.....I can't hear the phone from the other side of the house---guess I'll have to start sleeping with my cell phone! Gives new meaning to the term "sleeper cell", eh? By that time it was Friday--don't want to return a text...just in case he is back at home! Now I have to wait once again! :( & new Military Man is gone back & is not available for now. Oh well! We'll have to see what we can find. I certainly look at men in a different way since hubby & I have started this cuckolding! I have always surreptitiously looked at good looking men...but now I get to think with absolutely no guilt I can actually F**** them! Man, if that cop sitting at the table next to us in a restaurant could only read my mind....or those firemen in the grocery store......


Bella said...

It is such a freeing feeling now that I can openly lust after whoever and actually have the option of fucking them! With Hub's full approval! And I sleep with my cell's kind of pathetic but ya just never know what you might miss! :)

rage said...

Go get them girl...get them all and have no mercy.

bdenied said...

Bella...she absolutely loved your comment..

Rage: You brought such a smile to her face....she said, you should join her in showing them no mercy....

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...