Thursday, May 7, 2009

HNT-May 7th

Not really but I think she has a great ass and I wanted to showcase it.....She still looks good in jeans.....and she wears em tight too


13messages said...

She's beautiful. She looks so good in those tight jeans. :)

Texas Ghostrider said...

Looks like a nice Texas Lady in nice Texas country!

bdenied said...

13 Thank You..

TG: Well she is nice and she is in Texas Country but we only live here...we are not from here....but I have adopted if it will only adopt us

PDXsubcuck said...

A fantastic ass! Thanks for sharing the photo. Ah, Texas, I spent a year (that was much longer) at a military school there. I can't help but think that Texas is about six or more states in one. I mean OR is the progressive cities and the rural areas that some when you drive in them you hear the banjo music...and we do live in one of those areas and it has good points and bad but...

We used to live outside of Madera CA and that picture reminds me of that area, flat, dry and sun baked. The good point is that Brandi would do yard work naked and we could do some naked bike riding.

bdenied said...

PDX:::Naked bike riding...aka peddling pussy....that is a sight..and thanks for the compliment on her ass Im sure she will be pleased

rage said...

She sure does~!

13messages said...

I love thinking about your sexy wife sometimes when I'm taking care of myself. Tonight, for instance.

My best to you both.

bdenied said...

Rage: Is there any other way to wear em.

13: Thanks that's cool I appreciate that she can do that and that you can too and what's better is that you told us, so in a way it's like your doing her too.

{{ d a n i m o }} said...

mm, she really does have a great ass. those heels and that field bring it out in a nice way too. :) happy very belated hnt!

bdenied said...

danimo: Thanks for stopping by... I love your Avatar....very hot....

{{ d a n i m o }} said...

aww, thank you sweetie. :D it was a pic i took of myself that my boss(-to-be) doctored for me. i love the way it came out!

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